Page 208 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 37 (Lviv, 2021)
P. 208

Іs clytini monophyletic? The evidence from five-gene phylogenetic …   207

                  Definition: Monophyletic clade based on 12S RNA + 16S rRNA + COI + 18S rRNA
            + 28S rRNA genes phylogeny. The least inclusive clade containing Chlorophorus annularis
            (Fabricius, 1787), but not including Plagionotus detritus (Linnaeus, 1758).
                  Subordinated taxa:
                  1. Epiclytus Gressitt, 1935: 173 [26] (Clytus yokoyamai Kano, 1933: 275 [30])
                  – Epiclytus yokoyamai (Kano, 1933)
                  2.  Genus  (group  I)  Rhaphuma  Pascoe,  1858:  240  [55],  (type  species  Clytus
            quadricolor Castelnau & Gory, 1841: 104 [36])
                  – Rhaphuma elongata Gressitt, 1940
                  3. Genus Chlorophorus Chevrolat, 1863: 290 [10], sensu nov. (type species Callidium
            annulare Fabricius, 1787: 156 [16]) – Body slightly elongated, subcylindrical, with a hair
            pattern  of  spots  and  transverse  stripes.  Head  slightly  elongated,  clypeus  well  developed.
            Forehead trapezoidal, widened anteriorly, with longitude medial line. Antennal bases closely
            spaced.  Antennae  elongated,  reach  the  second  third  of  elytra.  Typical  antennal  formula
            1>3>5=4: 1  antennomere longer than 3 ; 3  antennomere longer than 5 ; 5  antennomere
            equal  4 .  Pronotum  subspherical,  slightly  oblong,  convex.  Prosternal  process  narrow,
            approximately 2 times wider than the edging of the procoxal cavities. Legs elongated. Outer
            side  of  middle  (and  often  hind)  femur  with  a  very  narrow  longitudinal  keel.  First
            metatarsomere  significantly  longer  then  2-5   together.  Diagnosis:  Forehead  trapezoidal,
            widened anteriorly; antennal formula 1>3>5=4; prosternal process 2 times wider than the
            edging of the procoxal cavities; outer side of middle femur with a very narrow longitudinal
                  – Chlorophorus annularis (Fabricius, 1787)
                  – Chlorophorus varius (Müller, 1766)
                  – Chlorophorus anticemaculatus Schwarzer, 1925
                  – Chlorophorus annulatus (Hope, 1831)
                  4. Genus Clytocera Gahan, 1906: 279 (type species Clytocera chionospila Gahan,
            1906: 280)
                  – Clytocera taiwanensis Hayashi, 1974
                  5. Genus Humeromaculatus Özdikmen, 2011: 537 [53], gen. stat. nov. (type species
            Cerambyx figuratus Scopoli, 1763: 55 [63]) – Body elongated, subcylindrical, with a hair
            pattern of spots and transverse stripes. Head elongated; clypeus well developed. Forehead
            trapezoidal, widened anteriorly. Antennal bases closely spaced. Antennae elongated, reach
            the second third of elytra. Typical antennal formula 1=3=5>4: 1  antennomere equal 3  and
            5 ;  5   antennomere  longer  than  4 .  Pronotum  subspherical,  oblong,  convex.  Prosternal
            process narrow, as wide (or narrower) as edging of the procoxal cavities. Legs elongated.
            First  metatarsomere  significantly  longer  then  2-5   together.  Diagnosis:  Forehead
            trapezoidal, widened anteriorly; antennal formula  1=3=5>4; pronotum oblong; prosternal
            process narrow, as wide as edging of the procoxal cavities.
                  5.1. Subgenus Viridiphorus, subgen. nov. (type species Callidium herbstii Brahm,
            1790: 148 [5]) – Body notably elongated, subcylindrical, with contrasting hair pattern of
            spots. Head elongated; clypeus well developed. Forehead trapezoidal, widened anteriorly,
            laterally edged with thin ribs. Antennal bases closely spaced. Antennae elongated, reach the
            second third of elytra. Typical antennal formula 1<3>5=4: 3  antennomere longer than 1
            and 5 ; 5  antennomere equal 4 . Pronotum subspherical, notably oblong, convex. Prosternal
            process narrow, as wide (or narrower) as edging of the procoxal cavities. Legs elongated.
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