Page 208 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 36 (Lviv, 2020)
P. 208

194                 Кузярін О. Т., Сичак Н. М., Кагало О. О.

                                       Prof. Dra J. Łomnickiego i Dra T. Wilczyńskiego) // Ochrona przyrody, 1926. – Zeszyt
                                       6. – S. 72-75. [In Polish]
                                    8.  Mosyakin S., Fedoronchuk M. (1999). Vascular plants of Ukraine. A nomenclatural
                                       checklist. – Kiev: Inst. Bot., 1999. – 345 p. [In English]
                                    9.  Raciborski  M.  Ochrony  godne  drzewa  i  zbiorowiska  roślin  //  Kosmos.  –  1910.  –
                                       R. 35. – S. 352-366. [In Polish]
                                    10. Raciborski M. Rośliny polskie (Plantae polonicae; Nr. 1-400) // Kosmos. – 1910. –
                                       R. 35. – S. 739-767. [In Polish]
                                    11. Raciborski M. Drobiazgi florystyczne // Kosmos. – 1911. – R. 36. – S. 1096-1104.
                                       [In Polish]
                                    12. Szafer W.  Osobliwości  i  zabytki  flory  okolic  Lwowa  //  Rozp.  i  Wiad.  z  Museum
                                       im. Dzieduszyckich. – 1914. – T. 1, zesz. 1 i 2. – S. 102-109. [In Polish]
                                    13. Tomaschek A. Flora der Umgebung Lemberg’s. Aus den Verhandlungen d. k. k. zool.-
                                       bot. Gesellschaft in Wien. – Wien, 1859. – Erster Beitrag. – 12 S.; 1862. – Dritter
                                       Beitrag. – 24 S. [In German]
                                    14. Tomaschek A.  Vierter  Beitrag  zur  Flora  der  Umgebung  von  Lemberg.  Die
                                       Gefässpflanzen der Umgebung Lemberg’s. – Wien, 1862. – S. 870-966. [In German]
                                    15. Tomaschek A.  Flora  der  Umgebung  von  Lemberg  und  des  östlichen  Galiziens
                                       überhaupt. (Aus den Verhandlungen d. k. k. zool.-bot. Gesellschaft in Wien. [Jahrgang
                                       1866] besonders abgedrukt.). – Wien, 1866. – 6 S. [In German]
                                    16. Zawadzki A.  Flora  der  stadt  Lemberg,  oder  Beschreibung,  der  um  Lemberg
                                       wildwachsenden Pflanzen, nach ihrer Blüthezeit geordnet. – Lemberg, 1836. – 230 S.
                                       [In German]
                                    17. Plantae 2020. In UkrBIN: Ukrainian Biodiversity Information Network [public project
                                       & web application]. UkrBIN, Database on Biodiversity Information. Available from:
                                       http:// (November 08, 2020).

                                   1  Державний природознавчий музей НАН України, м. Львів
                                   2  Інститут екології Карпат НАН України, м. Львів
                                   e-mail:; e-mail:

                                   Kuzyarin O. T., Sytschak N. N., Kagalo A. A.
                                   Spontaneous vascular plants for the territory of the Znesinnya Regional Landscape Park (Lviv)
                                      On the base of research florochorology, studing the main herbarion collections (LW, LWKS, LWS)
                                   and analisis the literature the checklist of  the  spontaneous vascular plants for the territory of the
                                   Znesinnya  Regional  Landscape Park  has been  compiled.  Some 727  species  from  392  genera,  108
                                   families, 59 orders, 5 classes and 4 divisions are presented from the investigated area. Among them,
                                   the most common part (77.7%) belongs to the representatives of the Magnoliopsida class, while the
                                   Liliopsida  class  of  representations  is  significantly  less  (19.3%).  With  a  wide  range  of  disputes,
                                   coniferous trees are stocked less than 3.0% of all types. The species distribution to the leading families
                                   and genera have been analysed. For the first time were recorded the present habitats of 30 rare species
                                   (15 from the Red Data Book of Ukraine, аnd 15 species are rare in the region). The locations of the
                                   rare species with state sozological status (Dactylorhiza incarnata (L.) Soó, Epipactis palustris (L.)
                                   Crantz, Listera ovata (L.) R.Br., Lilium martagon L., Orchis militaris L.) were offered for the first time.
                                   Two species from addition of the First Bern Convention (Cypripedium calceolus and Pulsatilla grandis)
                                   are disappeared on the territory of the park.
                                      Key words: phytodiversity, rare vascular plants, protected areas.
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