Page 138 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 36 (Lviv, 2020)
P. 138

Наукові записки Державного природознавчого музею. Випуск 36 (Львів, 2020)
                    Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 36 (Lviv, 2020)

            DOI: 10.36885/nzdpm.2020.36.129-140

            УДК 595.768.11:574.1

            Dovhaniuk I. Ya.  , Zamoroka A. M.


                  The fauna of the longhorn beetles of ecoregion of Kremenetski Hory and the eponymous
               National  Park  was  studied  very  poorly.  In  the  most  recent  catalogue  of  Cerambycidae  of
               Western Podillya it was listed only 13 species for the ecoregion. Including other sources, to
               date, it was known 17 species of the longhorn beetles. In the current study we identified 59
               species of the longhorn beetles, 42 of which are reported for the first time for National Park
               «Kremenetski  Hory»  and  the  ecoregion  in  general.  Under  our  proposed  prediction  the
               Cerambycidae species richness  should reach 100-120 species.  We also presented result of
               quantitative study of the longhorn beetles within different types of ecosystems of National Park
               «Kremenetski  Hory».  We  revealed  that  10  species  are  the  most  abundant  on  the  studied
                  Key words: Cerambycidae, Kremenetski Hory, Western Podillya.

                 National Park "Kremenetski Hory" (hereinafter NP "Kremenetski Hory") is one of the
            youngest and smallest in Ukraine. It has been created in 2009 with the total area 69.5 km . It
            is situated on the northernmost margin of Podillya Upland within two subbiomes of wooded
            steppes  and  mixed  forests.  These  cause  the  mosaic  distribution  of  different  ecosystems,
            including forests, steppes, meadows and swamps [6]. To date, the longhorn beetles' fauna of
            NP "Kremenetski Hory" was studied very poorly [2]. A very little data was published in a
            few papers, including the most recent catalogue of the longhorn beetles of Western Podillya
            [10]. To the current study, it was known only 17 species of Cerambycidae in fauna of NP
            "Kremenetski Hory". That constituted 12% of the regional fauna.
                 The earliest data on Cerambycidae from the territory of the modern NP "Kremenetski
            Hory" we found in collection of Octavian Duda (1939) that preserved in Kremenets Museum
            of Regional History. There are only 6 species of the longhorn beetles, including  Prionus
            coriarius  Linnaeus,  1758,  Stenurella  melanura  Linnaeus,  1758,  Obrium  cantharinum
            Linnaeus, 1767, Chlorophorus herbsti Brahm, 1790, Dorcadion equestre (Laxmann, 1770),
            Acanthocinus aedilis Linnaeus, 1758 [10]. Another species, Tetrops praeusta Linnaeus, 1758
            was mentioned in the paper of Ivan Zahaykevych from the studied area [7, 10]. Several
            species  are  preserved  in  collection  of  Nature  Reserve  "Medobory",  collected  in  their
            Kremenets division (now is the part of NP "Kremenetski Hory") by scientific staff Yaroslav
            Kapelyukh in 1999. These include  Allosterna tabacicolor De Geer, 1775,  Paracorymbia
            maculicornis (De Geer, 1775), Pseudovadonia livida Fabricius, 1776, Spondilis buprestoides
            Linnaeus,  1758,  Lieopus  nebulosus  Linnaeus,  1758,  Pogonocherus  hispidulus  Piller  et
            Mitterpacher, 1783  [4, 10]. Finely, five additional species were listed in monography of
            Shtohryn  and  colleagues  [6].  Their  list  includes  the  next species  Cerambyx  cerdo  cerdo
            (Linnaeus,  1758),  Leptura  maculata  (Poda,  1761),  Prionus  coriarius  (Linnaeus,  1758),
            Stictoleptura rubra (Linnaeus, 1758) and Strangalina attenuata (Linnaeus, 1758).
                 In the current study we listed 59 species of the longhorn beetles, 42 species of which
            were recorded for the first time from NP "Kremenetski Hory".
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