Page 140 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 36 (Lviv, 2020)
P. 140

The longhorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) of National Park …   131

            Kremenets (50.092709, 25.695936) in locality "Buchyna". It represents 110 years old beech
            forest  (square  46,  part  12,  Masliatyn  Division)  (Fig.  2,  C).  Plot  2  is  located  east  from
            Kremenets in locality "Hora Divochi Skeli" (50.118299, 25.727369). It represents steppe
            with mosaic spreading of thermophilous brushwood (square 3, parts 11-13, Bilokrynytsya
            Division) (Fig. 2, F).

               Figure  2.  The  main  types  of  habitats  of  National  Park  «Kremenetski  Hory»:
            A. Typical landscape of Kremenetski Hory; B. Steppe patch in locality "Hora Strakhova"; C.
            Old-aged beech forest in Maslyatyn Division; D. Thermophilous brushwood with  Betula
            klokovii in locality "Hora Strakhova"; E. Hornbeam-Oak forest in Bilokrynytsya Division;
            F. Petrophilous steppe in locality "Divochi Skeli".

                 Plot 3 is located south from Bilokrynytsya (50.120639, 25.754796). It represents 130
            years old oak forest (square 29, part 4, Bilokrynytsya Division) (Fig. 2, E). Plot 4 is located
            south west from Lishnya in locality "Lypova Aleya" (50.143402, 25.809021). It represents
            mesophilous meadows and abandoned fruit gardens surrounded by hornbeam-oak forests
            (square 36, part 11, Bilokrynytsya Division).
                 The  multiple  methods  of  insects  collecting  were  applied.  These  include  manual
            collecting of the longhorn beetles on forage plants; on host plants during imago emerging
            from  pupae  chambers,  adults  mating  and  females  ovipositing;  sweeping  insects  out  of
            grasslands  vegetation,  forest  edges  and  clearings.  Collected  materials  deposited  in  NP
            "Kremenetski  Hory"  (Kremenets)  and  Vasyl  Stefanyk  Precarpathian  National  University
            (Ivano-Frankivsk). Insects sampling were carried under the limits set by Ministry of Ecology
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