Page 141 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 36 (Lviv, 2020)
P. 141

132                    Dovhaniuk I. Ya., Zamoroka A. M.

                                   and  Natural  Resources  of  Ukraine  for  NP  "Kremenetski  Hory".  All  material  has  been
                                   collected under approved ethics guidelines.

                                       Results and discussion

                                       We identified 59 species of the longhorn beetles within NP "Kremenetski Hory". These
                                   species belong to 37 genera, 20 tribes and 5 subfamilies (see list below). Forty-two species
                                   were found at the first time in NP "Kremenetski Hory". Several records have special faunistic
                                   interest. These include Pidonia lurida Fabricius, 1792, Cortodera humeralis (Schaller, 1783),
                                   Xylotrechus antilope Schönherr, 1817 and Cyrtoclytus capra Germar, 1824. Pidonia lurida
                                   is rare in NP "Kremenetski Hory" because here it is on the eastern border of its natural range
                                   in Europe [8, 9, 10]. Our finding of C. humeralis is the second record for Western Podillya
                                   macroregion since 1952 [10]. We also found X. antilope Schönherr, 1817 which is typical
                                   for  Polissya  macroregion.  This  is  the  second  recent  record  of  this  species  within  West
                                   Podillya [10]. Another interesting species is C. capra Germar, 1824, which is postglacial
                                   relict, which is common for Eastern Carpathians macroregion than for Western Podillya [8].
                                   On Western Podillya C. capra was known only from Voronyaky the neighbor ecoregion to
                                   Kremenetski Hory [10]. We believe that the ecoregions of Voronyaky and Kremenetski Hory
                                   are  refugium  for  C. capra  within  Western  Podillya.  Additionally,  we  identified  Aromia
                                   moschata  Linnaeus,  1758,  Cerambyx  cerdo  (Linnaeus,  1758)  and  Dorcadion  equestre
                                   (Laxmann, 1770), which listed in Red Databook of Ukraine [5].
                                       The revealed diversity of Cerambycidae of NP "Kremenetski Hory" constitutes 41%
                                   (59 vs 144 species) in comparison with whole Western Podillya macroregion and 281% of
                                   Voronyaky  ecoregion  (59  vs  21  species)  and  58.4%  of Medobory  ecoregion  (59  vs 101
                                   species).  Comparing  of  the  longhorn  beetle's  richness  of  NP  "Kremenetski  Hory"  with
                                   neighbor National Parks (NP) and Nature Reserves (NR) on Western Podillya territories was
                                   shown the near equal number of species within them (table 1). We predict that possible total
                                   number of the longhorn beetles in NP "Kremenetski Hory" may be 100-120 species.

                                                                                                       Table 1

                                      The current knowledge of the longhorn beetles' fauna of NP «Kremenetski Hory» in
                                      comparison with neighbor National Parks and Nature Reserves on Western Podillya

                                                             Kremenetski    Dnister   Northern

                                                                      NP Halych             NR Roztochya   NR Medobory   Total for Western

                                                             NP   Hory      NP   Canyon   NP   Podillya     Podillya

                                    Number of species       59      67     63      23     61      91     144
                                    The  percentage  (%)  for   100   88.0   93.7   256.5   96.7   64.8   41.0
                                    NP Kremenetski Hory
   136   137   138   139   140   141   142   143   144   145   146