Page 139 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 36 (Lviv, 2020)
P. 139

130                    Dovhaniuk I. Ya., Zamoroka A. M.

                                       Materials and methods

                                       The  territory  of  study.  National  Park  "Kremenetski  Hory"  is  situated  on  the
                                   northernmost margin of Podillya Upland (Ternopil Region, Ukraine). It occupies the highest
                                   and  the  most  eroded  fragment  of  ecoregion  of  Kremenetski  Hory  between  50.064049N
                                   25.624347E on the south west and 50.209863N 26.007450E on the north east (Fig. 1). The
                                   total length of its territory is 33 km. Average altitudes vary near 200 m a.s.l. and maximum
                                   altitude  extends  400  m  a.s.l.  [3].  Climatic  conditions  are  mild  with  average  annular
                                   temperature +7.4°C and 600 mm of precipitations [1].

                                      Figure 1. Location of National Park "Kremenetski Hory" (bold bordered).

                                      Forests are the main type of vegetation, which cover 98.6% of the area, and represented
                                   by Querceta roboris and Pineta sylvestris. The small patches of Querceta petraea, Fageta
                                   sylvaticae and Alneta glutinosae are presented on the territory of NP "Kremenetski Hory".
                                   Such species like Carpinus betulus, Fraxinus excelsior, Ulmus glabra, Acer platanoides,
                                   Acer pseudoplatanus, Tilia cordata, Betula klokovii, Betula pendula, Betula pubescens are
                                   typical in forests. The rest 1.6%  of the area is covered by meadows (1.3%) and steppes
                                   (0.3%).  The  most  common  types  of  meadow  vegetation  are  Arrhenatheretum  elatioris,
                                   Festucetum  pratensis,  Anthoxantho-Agrostietum.  Steppes  usually  are  represented  by
                                   Cariceta  humilis,  Festuсеta  pallentis,  Stipeta  capillatae,  Stipeta  pennatae  plants
                                   communities [6].
                                       Methods.  The  qualitative  and  quantitative  studies  of  the  longhorn  beetles  were
                                   conducted on four selected plots within NP "Kremenetski Hory". Plot 1 is located west from
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