Page 115 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 36 (Lviv, 2020)
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106                            Бокотей А.А.

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                                   Національний лісотехнічний університет України, Державний природознавчий музей
                                   НАН України, м. Львів

                                   Bokotey A. A.
                                   Changes in the breeding avifauna of Lviv residential part from the period since 2006 till 2018 years
                                      The analysis of breeding avifauna changes has been performed on the base of field studies that took place
                                   in residential parts of the Lviv city in 2006-2007 and 2017-2018 breeding seasons. Nowadays 84 breeding
                                   species were recorded in the Lviv city. The number of local species in bird population significantly decreased
                                   from 51 in 2007 to 41 in 2018. It shows the reduction of some species number together with the growth of
                                   their diversity (from 73 to 81) and significant increase in population from 443,0 to 581,6 pairs/10 ha. During
                                   12 years 70 species constantly remain in the fauna. Three species disappeared from nesting, and 11 had
                                   appeared. Seven of them appeared for the first time: Marsh Tit, Hooded Crow, Hoopoe, Little Bittern, White-
                                   backed Woodpecker, Stonechat, Coal Tit. Four came back to the city for nesting after absence in 2006-2007
                                   years: Partridge, Black Woodpecker, Tree Pipit, Pied Flycatcher. The number of 9 species did not change
                                   during the period of the study. 29 species demonstrate decrease of the number and 32 - increase. The main
                                   reasons  of  the  number  changes  were  divided  into  5  groups:  1)  changes  in  geographical  scales  or  the
                                   expansion (peculiar for 3 species), 2) synurbization (29 species), 3) general population changes (38 species)
                                   і 4) local environmental changes (45 species), 5) unknown reasons (7). Several reasons worked together for
                                   33 species.
                                      Key words: breeding urban avifauna, ornithological atlas, changes, Lviv, Ukraine.
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