Page 88 - Наукові записки ДПМ. Т 35/2019
P. 88

82             Гоблик К.М., Орлов О.Л., Рагуліна М.Є., Капрусь І.Я.

                                    20. Bellinger  P.F.  1996-2009.  Checklist  of  the  Collembola  of  the  World  /  P.F.  Bellinger,  K.A.
                                       Christiansen,  F.  Janssens  [Electronic  resource].  –  Режим  доступу  до  ресурсу:
                                    21. Kaprus’  I.J.  The  fauna  of  springtails  (Collembola)  from  selected  habitats  in  Roztocze  //
                                       Fragmenta faunistica. – 1998. – 41, 3. – P. 15-28.
                                    22. Stocker  G.,  Bergmann  A.  Ein  Modell  der  Dominanzstruktur  und  seine  Anwedung.  1.
                                       Modellbildung,   Modellrealisierung,   Dominanzklassen   //   Arch.   Naturschutzu.
                                       Lanschafstforschung. – 1977. – Vol. 17, № 1. – P. 1-26.
                                    23. World reference base for soil resources. – FAO. – Rome, 1998. 84 World Soil Resources Reports.
                                       ISSS-AISS-IBG. /

                                   1  Ужгородський національний університет, м. Ужгород
                                   2  Державний природознавчий музей НАН України, м. Львів

                                   Goblyk K., Orlov O., Ragulina M., Kaprus I.
                                   Living conditions and community structure of Collembola on Transcarpathian lowland
                                   meadow habitats
                                      Characteristics of the natural conditions (vegetation and soil cover, moisture regime) of the meadow
                                   biotopes of the Transcarpathian lowland were investigated. It was established that the determining
                                   factor for the formation of collembola communities in the meadow biotopes of the Transcarpathian
                                   lowland is the stability of the moisture regime.
                                      Key words: Collembola, vegetation, soil cover, moisture regime, Transcarpathian lowland.
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