Page 80 - NZDPM 33/2017
P. 80

Detection of forest loss on Black Stork (Ciconia nigra L.) breeding sites …   79

               If the distribution of the known Black Stork nests is compared with the map of forest
            loss in the region, the avoidance of the most heavily logged parts of the Rivne region is
            noticeable (see fig. 2). Up to 35% of the forest cover in some of 10×10 km squares in the
            eastern parts of the region have been lost since the year 2000. It is these eastern parts that
            have the smallest density of Black Stork nests. Moreover, all known nests in the sub-region
            have been lost because of the logging (those four yellow dots in the north-eastern part of
            the map).
               Using the proposed approach, we have detected eight out of the eleven nests that were
            cut down (~73%; this figure is exact, because those nests were controlled). Therefore, the
            approach seems to be quite effective for the distant monitoring of nesting territories when
            resources are limited and it is not possible to check every nest by direct visiting.


               In Ukraine, logging is one of the main threats for the local breeding population of Black
            Storks,  as  we  have  found  evidence  of  logging  on  38,3%  of  breeding  sites  in  the  Rivne
            region in 100 m buffers around nests. On more that 14% of breeding territories (in 100 m
            buffers)  the  forest  loss  was  bigger  than  20%  of  the  area.  Although  we  do  not  possess
            appropriate statistical data yet, the method of a forest loss detection by the GIS analysis
            seems to be effective for the search of territories with the violation of a protection regime
            for rare birds.


               The  study  was  financially  supported  by  the  "CICONIA"  fund  within  the  project
            "Protection  and  management  of  Black  Stork  populations  and  their  habitats  in  the
            transboundary area of Ukraine and Belarus".
               We are grateful to all the people who participated in the data collection, especially to
            Mykhailo Franchuk, Rostyslav Zhuravchak, and Vasyl Mateichyk.

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            Державний природознавчий музей НАН України, м. Львів
            State Museum of Natural History of NAS of Ukraine, Lviv
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