Page 78 - NZDPM 33/2017
P. 78

Detection of forest loss on Black Stork (Ciconia nigra L.) breeding sites …   77

               The results in the first approach  were cumulative, because the area of forest loss for
            each  of  subsequent  buffers  (e.g.  0-500  m  buffer)  contained  results  from  the  all  smaller
            buffers.  Another  approach  was  to  calculate  the  amount  of  pixels  in  bands  (rings)  at  the
            following distances: 0-100 m, 100-200 m, 200-300 m, 300-400 m, 400-500 m. The results
            in the second case are not cumulative and the scale of forest loss is assessed for each of the
            bands separately.
               Apart  from  the  analysis  in  buffers  we  created  a  map  of  forest  loss  in  the  region  by
            aggregating pixels from the GFW data into 10×10 km squares using the "Zonal statistics as
            table" tool in ArcGIS 10.5. The map was used to analyze the distribution of nests in relation
            to the intensity of logging in the region.

                                       Results and discussions

                According  to  the  results,  the  majority  (61,7%;  table  1)  of  the  Black  Stork  nests  are
            located on territories without a significant forest loss within a 100m radius around nests.
            Within the same radius forest loss in the range of 0-20% of a territory was found around
            other 24,1% of nests. The big scale of forest loss (20-100%) was present around 14,2% of
            nests. If the scale of forest loss in bigger buffers around nests (200 m, 300 m …) is taken
            into  account,  the  proportion  of  intact  territories  decreases  with  the  increase  of  buffer
            distances (see table 1). For example, in buffers 0-500 m around nests we found only 7,8%
            territories without any forest loss. Forest loss in the range of 0-20% was detected on the
            majority (83,0%) of the 500 m buffers around nests.

                                                                                Table 1

                 The scale of forest loss in buffers of different sizes around Black Stork nests

                 Percentage   Number           Distance buffers (cumulative)
                  of forest   of nests
                    loss              0-100 m  0-200 m  0-300 m  0-400 m  0-500 m
                               n        87       47       26       12        11
                   No loss
                               %       61,7     33,3      18,4     8,5      7,8
                               n        34       74       98       114      117
                               %       24,1     52,5      69,5     80,9     83,0
                               n        11       14       14       12        11
                               %        7,8      9,9      9,9      8,5      7,8
                               n         7        5        2        3        2
                               %        5,0      3,5      1,4      2,1      1,4
                               n         1        1        1        -        -
                               %        0,7      0,7      0,7       -        -
                               n         1        -        -        -        -
                               %        0,7       -        -        -        -
   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83