Page 79 - NZDPM 33/2017
P. 79

78                     Strus Iu., Bokotey A., Dzubenko N.

                                                                                                       Table 2

                                           The scale of forest loss at different distances from Black Stork nests
                                                            (in concentric buffer rings)

                                        Percentage   Number              Distance buffers (bands)
                                       of forest loss   of nests   100-200 m   200-300 m   300-400 m   400-500 m
                                         No loss       n         48          30         21         21
                                                       %        34,0        21,3       14,9       14,9
                                          0-20%        n         70          89         98         96
                                                       %        49,6        63,1       69,5       68,1
                                         20-40%        n         17          19         21         22
                                                       %        12,1        13,5       14,9       15,6
                                         40-60%        n          5          3          1           2
                                                       %         3,5        2,1         0,7        1,4
                                         60-80%        n          1          -           -          -
                                                       %         0,7         -           -          -
                                         80-100%       n          -          -           -          -
                                                       %          -          -           -          -

                                       Some  nesting  territories  have  undergone  almost  complete  logging,  but  such  logging
                                   was detected only in the case of eight nests.

                                   Fig. 2. The distribution of the Black Stork nesting locations in the Rivne Region in relation
                                                             to the amount of forest loss.
   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84