Klymyshyn O.S., Savytska A.G.
History of formation and modern structure of the bryolological herbarium of the State Natural History Museum of the NAS of Ukraine // Proc. of the State Nat. Hist. Mus. - Lviv, 2018. - P.19-28.
DOI: Key words:bryological herbarium, bryophytes, the Red Book of Ukraine, the State Natural History Museum. The history of formation of the bryological herbaria of the State Natural History Museum of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is considered. Many collectors and scientists-botanists took part in the formation of the main scientific fund of the bryological herbaria, among them A. Lazarenko, K. Ulychna, V. Melnichuk, M. Slobodian and others. The article contains a list of samples of bryophytes, which are included in the Red Book of Ukraine. Rare samples (including doublets and exsiccates) are described from territories of other countries, as well as specimens dating to the end of the 19th century.
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