Page 44 - Наукові записки Державного природознавчого музею, 2023 Вип. 39
P. 44

42                         Гусак О. В., Капрусь І. Я.

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                                    Stöcker  G.,  Bergmann  A.  1977.  Ein  Modell  der  Dominanzstruktur  und  seine  Anwedung.  In
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                                   1   Львівський  національний  університет  природокористування,  Львівська  обл.,
                                   м. Дубляни
                                   2  Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка, Державний природознавчий
                                   музей НАН України, м. Львів

                                   Husak O.V. Kaprus I.Ya.
                                   The influence of agro- and urbangenic fragmentation of the natural environment on the structure
                                   of Collembolan taxocenes of the Eastern Podillia
                                      A  comparative  analysis  of  the  taxonomic  and  ecological  structure  of  Collembolan  urbo-  and
                                   agrotaxocenes  of  Eastern  Podillia  with  their  forest  and  meadow-steppe  variants  was  carried  out.
                                   Urbotaxocenes  are  represented by  39  species, and agrotaxocenes  by  30  species  of  Collembola. A
                                   characteristic  feature  of  the  fragmented  urbo-  and  agrotaxocenes  of  the  studied  region  is  the
                                   "xerophyllization"  of  the  fauna  (enrichment  with  drought-resistant  species),  the  large  mosaic
                                   distribution of the abundance of species in the soil, as well as the specificity and unpredictability of
                                   their taxonomic and ecological structure. The investigated collembolan taxocenes are characterized by
                                   low  and  medium  population  density  (urbotaxocenes  from  2.1  to  6.3  thousand  individuals/m2
                                   individuals/m2; agrotaxocenes from 0.2 to 0 .8 thousand inhabitants/m2). Under the influence of urban
                                   fragmentation of the natural environment, multidirectional and often unforeseeable restructuring of the
                                   ecological structure of the collembolan taxocenes has been recorded. In the spectrum of ecological
                                   groups, this influence causes an increase in the number of xeroresistant collembola and a decrease in
                                   hygrophilous  ones.  In  the  ratio  of  biotope  groups  of  Collembola,  there  is  an  increase  in  the
                                   representation of meadow-steppe (on average more than 44%), eurytopic (25%) and forest-meadow
                                   (24%) forms due to a decrease in forest and meadow forms. That is why different types of collembolan
                                   taxocenes  can  form  in  urbo-soils  -  eurytopic  or  specialized.  Under  the  influence  of  agrogenic
                                   fragmentation  of  the  environment  in  the  spectrum  of  ecological  groups,  an  increase  in  the
                                   representation of meadow-steppe (on average more than 55%), forest-meadow (about 20%) and forest
                                   (over 14%) forms was recorded due to a decrease in eurytopic (about 9%) and grasslands (1%). That
                                   is why a specialized collembolan taxocene can form in agricultural soils.
                                      Key  words:  urbocenoses,  agrocenoses,  Collembola,  ecological  structure,  dominance  structure,
                                   ecological groups, taxonomic composition
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