Page 191 - Наукові записки Державного природознавчого музею, 2023 Вип. 39
P. 191

188                             Радченко О.Г.

                                    Сейма Ф.А. 2008. Структура населения муравьев тайги. Пермь : изд.-во Пермского
                                       государственного университета. 166 с.

                                   Інститут зоології ім. І. І. Шмальгаузена НАН України, м. Київ

                                   Radchenko O. G.
                                   Taxonomic and ecological structure of myrmecocomplexes in the forests of Volyn’ Polissia
                                   (Ukraine) and its transformation in the process of forest restoration in clerings
                                      57 ant species were found in Volyn’ Polissia, of which 34 were found in the selected model
                                   forest plots. Changes in the ecological and taxonomic structure of the myrmecofauna in 2-, 7-
                                   and 17 years old wood cleanings were analyzed. Immediately after cutting down the trees and
                                   destroying  the  territory  ants  disappeared.  Next  year,  meso-xerophilic  and  hemixerophilic
                                   species begin to populate this territory. Later, a number of meso- xerophilic species, which
                                   inhabit mainly dry meadows, appear there. The structure of myrmecofauna on the 17-years old
                                   cleaning begins to approach that of virgin forests. Red wood ants completely disappeared from
                                   the cleanings, what negatively affects the phytosanitary condition of the adjacent wooded areas.
                                   As a result, new ant associations are formed, but they become less stable, and it takes at least
                                   50 years for the complete restoration of zonal forest myrmecomplexes.
                                      Key words: ants, fauna, structure of myrmecocomplexes, successions on wood cleanings,
                                   Polissia, Ukraine.
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