Page 125 - Наукові записки Державного природознавчого музею, 2022 Вип. 38
P. 125

124                    Горбняк-Юліна Л.Т., Сарахман І.С.

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                                       кандидата наук, Ботанический сад УрО РАН. Казань. 20 с.
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                                       Ботанический журнал. Т. 68. № 12. С. 1593–1603.
                                    Цвелев Н.Н. 2001. Род Прострел – Pulsatilla Mill. Флора Восточной Европы. Т. 10. С. 85–94.
                                    Черепанов С.К. 1995. Сосудистые растения России и сопредельных государств (в пределах
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                                    Шмальгаузен И. 1895. Род Прострел – Рulsatilla Adans. Флора Средней и Южной России. Т. 1. С. 8–15.
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                                    Gabor Sramko, Levente Laczko, Polina A. Volkova, Richard M. Bateman, Jelena Mlinarec. 2019.
                                       Evolutionary  history  of  the  Pasque-flowers  (Pulsatilla,  Ranunculaceae):  Molecular
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                                   Національний природний парк «Подільські Товтри», Кам’янець-Подільський

                                   Horbniak-Yulina L., Sarakhman I.
                                   Color variations of Pulsatilla pratensis (L.) Mill flowers on the territories of the NNP «Podilski Tovtry»
                                      The population of Pulsatilla pratensis with an atypical «red» color of the flower, was studied in the
                                   territory  of  the  «Podilski  Tovtry»  national  nature  park,  in  the  Tract  of  «Kobylka».  The  possible
                                   systematic position of the discovered plants and their area of distribution were analyzed. The localities
                                   are described, the characteristics of the ecological-coenotic conditions of the place of growth are given,
                                   and the biological features of the studied species are presented. Geobotanical descriptions were carried
                                   out in the «Kobylka» in the territory of the «Podilski Tovtry» national nature park. Selected biotopes
                                   and groupings from the Green Book of Ukraine for Pulsatilla pratensis. Physico-geographic features
                                   of the growing area of the studied species are characterized. It has been established that the genetic
                                   factor  is dominant  in  the  creation of  new  color  variations  of  the  Pulsatilla  pratensis  flower.  This
                                   hypothesis  contains  confirmation  in  morphometric  differentiations  between  representatives  of  this
                                   species. The reason for the color change to red is genetic mutations of the Pulsatilla pratensis plant. It
                                   is proposed to carry out detailed genetic analyzes for the studied species. Based on the study of literary
                                   sources and our own research, we believe that Pulsatilla pratensis can have flowers of both purple and
                                   its shades, as well as red, which will be a diagnostic feature of the species. The results of statistical
                                   processing of the morphometric indicators of Pulsatilla pratensis with red and purple color, which
                                   were evicted within the «Podilski Tovtry» national nature park, are highlighted. Differences between
                                   flowers that have a red color in comparison with representatives of the purple-colored species are
                                   found and described. Trends toward the disappearance of red-flowered Pulsatilla pratensis plants have
                                   been identified. The reasons for their disappearance were established and biotechnical measures for
                                   their preservation were developed. The anthropogenic factor in the studied locality is low. For effective
                                   generative reproduction, it is necessary to determine the presence of factors of natural influence.
                                      Key words: Pulsatilla pratensis, color variations, «Podilski Tovtry» NPP, ecological and coenotic
                                   conditions, morphometrics.
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