Page 87 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 37 (Lviv, 2021)
P. 87

86                         Капрусь І. Я., Гусак О. В.

                                   Kaprus I.J., Husak O.V.
                                   Peculiarities of taxonomic and ecological structure of forest toxocene of Collembola
                                   of Eastern Pоdillya
                                      We have made a comparative analysis of the taxonomic and ecological structure of forest taxa of
                                   the collemboles of Eastern Podillya. 71 species of collemboles belonging to 40 genera and 15 families
                                   were found in the study area. It was found that the structure of dominance, spectra of life forms and
                                   biotope groups of the studied taxocenes have their own specifics due to local edaphic conditions, as
                                   well as the origin of forest phytocenoses.
                                      The ratio of life forms and biotope groups, as well as the structure of the dominance of taxonomies
                                   of Collemboles, can be considered as an indicator of the ecological regime of forest edaphotopes of
                                   Eastern Podillya. It is established that in different forest phytocenoses of Eastern Podillya, and two
                                   different  types  of  Collemboles  taxocenes  were  formed:  1)  prefabricated  type  –  in  semi-natural
                                   hornbeam oak and 2) specialized type – in artificially created forest phytocenoses, where more than
                                   40% of the number have meadow-steppe species.
                                      Key words: Collembola, fauna, Eastern Podillya, taxonomic composition, ecological structure.
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