Page 39 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 37 (Lviv, 2021)
P. 39

38                            Загороднюк І.В.

                                    36. Scharlemann, E. 1953. Materialien zur Kenntnis und zur Erhaltung des ukrainischen Bibers.
                                       Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde, 18 (1950): 146-162.

                                   Національний науково-природничий музей НАН України, м. Київ

                                   Zagorodniuk I.
                                   Ground squirrels of the war: a history of zoological research and Spermophilus
                                   collections in the Reichskommissariat Ukraine
                                      The history of research on ground squirrels as pests is described in detail in the light of
                                   reconstruction of the history and specifics of zoological institutions of Kyiv in 1941-1944,
                                   including  the  Institute  of  Plant  Protection  and  its  Zoological  Museum.  Data  from  five
                                   different groups of sources were analyzed such as publications, collections, personal files
                                   (including  KGB)  and  interviews  of  participants  in  those  events.  It  is  shown  that  ground
                                   squirrels were one of the main research objects at the Institute of Plant Protection, which
                                   was  established  by  the  occupation  regime  in  1942-1943  on  the  basis  of  the  Institute  of
                                   Zoology and the Zoological Museum of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. Based
                                   on studies of the distribution and variability of ground squirrels of the group Spermophilus
                                   "suslicus", two articles were published after the war describing new forms, including the
                                   Volyn subspecies, published by E. Reshetnyk in the USSR (1946) and by E. Scharlemann in
                                   Germany (1952). The history of (probable) transfers of the ground squirrel collection is
                                   analyzed and the measures that had been taken to prevent their export to Poznan and further
                                   to Germany in the autumn of 1943 are clarified. It is shown that part of the ground squirrel
                                   type series described in various publications is identical, but it was most likely either not
                                   exported or returned quickly. Various facts about the movements of collections based on
                                   memories of the participants of those events are analyzed.
                                      Key words: Ground squirrels, museum collections, history of research, Ukraine.
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