Page 63 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 36 (Lviv, 2020)
P. 63

58      Glotov S. V., Hushtan K. V., Kanarsky Yu. V., Hushtan H. H., Rizun V. B.

                                   Material examined. 1 ex. Zakarpatska Region: Kuzii locality, beech derived forest mixed
                                   with fir and spruce, 60-80 years old, litter, 15.05.-20.06.2009, 1 ex., leg. Yu. Kanarskyi.
                                   Distribution. West and Central Europe (including Ukraine), Balkans [21].
                                       22. Quedius paradisianus (Heer, 1839).
                                   Material examined. 2 ex. Zakarpatska Region: Kuzii locality, beech derived forest mixed
                                   with  fir  and  spruce,  60-80  years  old,  litter,  5.07.-14.08.2009,  1  ex.,  leg.  Yu.  Kanarskyi.
                                   Mountain Polianskyi, 15.04-15.05.2009, 1 ex., leg. Yu. Kanarskyi.
                                   Distribution. West and Central Europe (including Ukraine), Balkans, Asia Minor [21].

                                                      Subfamily Tachyporinae Mac Leay, 1825
                                       23. Tachinus pallipes (Gravenhorst, 1806).
                                   Material examined. 3 ex. Zakarpatska Region: Kuzii locality, beech derived forest mixed
                                   with fir and spruce, 60-80 years old, litter, 15.04.-15.05.2009, 2 ex., leg. Yu. Kanarskyi. The
                                   outskirts of the mountain Polianskyi, 15.04-15.05.2009, 1 ex., leg. Yu. Kanarskyi.
                                   Distribution. Holarctic (excluding North Africa) [21].
                                       24. Tachinus subterraneus (Linné, 1758).
                                   Material examined. 5 ex. Zakarpatska Region: Kuzii locality, beech derived forest mixed
                                   with fir and spruce, 60-80 years old, litter, 15.04.-15.05.2009, 5 ex., leg. Yu. Kanarskyi.
                                   Distribution. Europe (including Ukraine), Caucasus, Siberia, Far East, North America [21].


                                      We would like to take this opportunity and thank V. A. Korneyev and M. Yu. Rusin
                                   (SIZK), J. Frisch (ZMHB), H. Schillhammer (NHMW), M. M. Bilyashivskiy (ZMTSNH),
                                   A. Yu. Solodovnikov (ZMUC) for the opportunity to work with their respective institutional
                                   collections,  and  their  valuable  remarks  on  this  manuscript.  The  visit  (S. Glotov)  to  the
                                   Entomology Department of ZMUC was carried out through funding from Dr. Bøje Benzons
                                   Støttefond was awarded by A. Yu. Solodovnikov, who contributed to this visit, and support
                                   from  the  entire  ZMUC-entomology  is  appreciated.  The  work  was  performed  within  the
                                   framework of the scientific topic: "Estimation of the biotic diversity of model groups of
                                   Arthropoda of the Ukrainian Carpathians with the use of modern information technology".


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