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Наукові записки Державного природознавчого музею. Випуск 36 (Львів, 2020)
                    Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 36 (Lviv, 2020)

            DOI: 10.36885/nzdpm.2020.36.53-60

            UDC 595.763.33

            Glotov S. V. , Hushtan K. V. , Kanarsky Yu. V. , Hushtan H. H. , Rizun V. B. 1


                  The collection of the rove beetles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) in State Museum of Natural
               History (Lviv), National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is one of the richest and most famous
               collections of Ukraine. A great part of this collection consists of dry mounted specimens (about
               5000) including about 700 species. This material is partly mounted, reordered, and catalogued.
               In this paper, we present a checklist of these specimens collected by several generations of
               entomologists  in  the  20-21th  centuries  from  the  territory  and  surrounding  areas  of  the
               Carpathian  Biosphere  Reserve  (according  to  the  labels).  In  general,  there  are  287
               Staphylinidae specimens of 24 species of 16 genera and 6 subfamily (Aleocharinae – 8 species,
               Omaliinae – 2 species, Oxytelinae – 1 species, Staphylininae – 11 species, Tachyporinae – 2
               species). Leptusa flavicornis Brancsik, 1874 is recorded in Ukraine for the first time.
                  Key words: rove beetles, Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Carpathian Biosphere Reserve, fauna,
               State Museum of Natural History, Lviv, Ukraine.


               Staphylinidae is the widely spread beetles family, they are found in all continents of the
            Earth except for Antarctic. At present, there are over 63500 species in 3762 genera and 32
            subfamilies described in the world [7]. There are over 1100 Staphylinidae species known
            from Ukraine [11].
               Staphylinidae beetles are mainly associated with humid surface of the soil, although there
            are some xerophyle species among them. They reach the maximum diversity and density in
            the duff within humid forest landscapes. Apart from duff and soil, they populate decaying
            plant remains, mushrooms, feces, cadavers, decaying wood substance, flowers and leaves of
            plants, nests of social insects, burrows and nests of vertebrata. The maximum diversity of the
            family is found in the tropics. Staphylinidae have the highest plasticity among all beetles:
            they are the “last” beetles that can be observed in the highest latitudes and altitudes. Four
            types of nutrition of Staphylinidae are known: entomophagy, mycophagy, saprophagy, and
            phytophagy. Among them, entomophagy, mycophagy, and saprophagy prevail. Phytophagy
            is found only in a relatively small number of species.
               In spite of the high species diversity and wide distribution, the fauna of the Staphylinids
            beetles has not yet been properly investigated both within the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve
            and the Carpathians region in general [2, 3, 4, 6, 16, 20].
               The Carpathian Biosphere Reserve is a protected area of international importance, located
            within Rakhiv, Tiachiv, Khust and Vynohradiv districts of Zakarpatska (Transcarpathian)
            region of Ukraine. Most of its area is covered with old-growth forests. There are mainly
            premontane broadleaf, montane beech, spruce, fir or mixed forests, subalpine meadows and
            dwarf wood of pine or green alder (Pinus mugo, Duschekia viridis), alpine tundra as well as
            rocky and lichenaceous habitats presented. The total area of the Reserve is 53,630 ha. The
            Kuzii  protected  massif  is  located  on  the  south-west  reaches  of  Maramaros  Mts  (in  the
            geological meaning)  at altitudes from 350 to 1190 m asl. Specific conditions were created
            in this area due to the warm air masses becoming from Upper Tysa valley. The Chornohora
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