Page 59 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 36 (Lviv, 2020)
P. 59

54      Glotov S. V., Hushtan K. V., Kanarsky Yu. V., Hushtan H. H., Rizun V. B.

                                   protected massif is located on the south-west slopes of Chornohora mountain range within
                                   the altitudes from 700 to 2061 m asl. The highest summit is Hoverla Mt. The climate of
                                   Chornohora Mts is temperate or cool at the forest zone up to 1400-1600 m a.s.l. and cold
                                   subalpine or alpine (tundra) at the high-montane zone, with large precipitations amount about
                                   1400-1700 mm.

                                      Material and methods

                                      The collection of the rove beetles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) in State Museum of Natural
                                   History (Lviv), National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is one of the richest and most
                                   famous  collections  of  Ukraine.  A  great  part  of  this  collection  consists  of  dry  mounted
                                   specimens  (about  5000)  including  about  700  species.  This  material  is  partly  mounted,
                                   reordered, and catalogued. In this paper, we present a checklist of these specimens collected
                                   by several generations of entomologists from early 20 until 21 centuries from the Carpathian
                                   Biosphere Reserve and adjacent areas.
                                       Samples  were  collected  from:  1.  Turkul  –  Zakarpatska  Region,  Rakhiv  District,
                                   Hoverla village, Chornohora Mts, Mt Turkul [Chornohora massif, Carpathian BR], 1933 m
                                   a.s.l. (48.123546 N, 24.530304 E);  2. Polianskyi - Zakarpatska  Region, Rakhiv District,
                                   Dilove village, Maramaros Mts, Mt Polianskyi [Kuzii massif, Carpathian BR], 850 m a.s.l.,
                                   fir-beech  forest  160-180 years  old  (47.936723  N,  24.132009  E);  3.  Kuzii  -  Zakarpatska
                                   region, Rakhiv district, Luh village, Maramaros Mts, Kuzii site [Kuzii massif, Carpathian
                                   BR], 380 m a.s.l., derivate beech forest mixed with fir and spruce 60-80 years old (47.934847
                                   N, 24.125106 E) (Fig. 1).

                                      Fig. 1. Map of the study area in the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve (locality numbers see
                                   in Materials and methods).
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