Page 181 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 36 (Lviv, 2020)
P. 181

170                             Дєдусь В. І.

                                    10. Мателешко  О.  Ю.,  Чумак  В.  О.  Твердокрилі  (Coleoptera,  Insecta)  природних  лісів
                                       Угольсько-Широколужанського   заповідного   масиву   Карпатського   біосферного
                                       заповідника // Науковий вісник Ужгородського університету. Серія Біологія. – 2006. – Вип.
                                       19. – С. 243-248.
                                    11. Чумак М. В., Мателешко О. Ю., Чумак В. О., Варивода М. В., Грицюк І. В., Заморока А. М.,
                                       Мірутенко В. В., Назаренко В. І., Нікуліна Т. В., Петренко А. А., Різун В. Б., Середюк Г.
                                       В.,  Сергі  Т.  І.,  Тимочко  В.  Б.,  Турис  Е.  В.,  Яницький  Т.  П.  Таксономічний  склад
                                       сапроксилобіонтних  твердокрилих  (Insecta,  Coleoptera)  Угольського  масиву  фауни
                                       Карпатського біосферного заповідника // Науковий вісник Ужгородського університету.
                                       Серія Біологія. – 2006. – Вип. 38-39. – С. 5-11.
                                    12. Audisio, A. Jelinek, J. (2020) Fauna Europaea: Ciidae. In Paolo Audisio (2020) Fauna Europea:
                                       Ciidae. Fauna Europea version 2020, 10.
                                    13. (2020) Species. Available from:
                                    14. Mapa Bioróżnorodności [online] 2020. Krajowa Sieć Informacji o Bioróżnorodności. Dostęp:

                                   Ужгородський національний університет, м. Ужгород

                                   Diedus V.
                                   Diversity of  minute tree-fungus beetles (Coleoptera:  Ciidae) of primeval and managed beech
                                   forest of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve
                                      The study of factors that affect to the biodiversity of forest insects has not lost its relevance for
                                   several decades. As obligate fungicolous, minute tree-fungus beetles (Coleoptera, Ciidae) are one of
                                   the main destructors of saproxylic fungi. Since primeval forests are characterized by different age of
                                   tree stands and a large volume of dead wood of different stages of decomposition – the number of
                                   saproxylic fungi, and, as a consequence, minute tree-fungus beetles, show a high variety. In managed
                                   forests, selective felling and removal of dead wood is carried out, which leads to the loss of habitats
                                   and, as a consequence, to the impoverishment of the biodiversity of minute tree-fungus beetles. The
                                   fauna of minute tree-fungus beetles of primeval beech forest of the Uholsky massif of the Carpathian
                                   Biosphere Reserve and managed 150-year-old beech forest from adjacent territories has been studied.
                                   According to the literature, at the beginning of our research the fauna of Ciidae were consisted 34
                                   species of fauna of the Ukrainian Carpathians, and 11 species were known for the beech primeval
                                   forests of the Uholka Shyrokyi Luh preservation massif of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve (CBR).
                                   The material was collected with the combined window-type traps (polytrap) during the growing season
                                   2017-2018. In general, 3302 specimens of minute tree-fungus beetles, belonging to 31 species from 8
                                   genera, were collected and identified. For the first time for the region of the Ukrainian Carpathians
                                   were indicated such species: Cis rugulosus Mellie, 1848, Cis striatulus Mellie, 1848, Ennearthron
                                   pruinosulum (Perris in Abeille, 1864) and Rhopalodontus strandi Lohse, 1969. Taking into account our
                                   research and literature data, the faunal list of minute tree-fungus beetles for the Ukrainian Carpathians
                                   include 38 species. The species richness of beech primeval and 150-year-old managed forest is close
                                   in value, and the relative density of individuals in primeval forest is three times higher than its value in
                                   managed forest. Thus, 30 species from 8 genera (2442 individuals) have been identified for primeval
                                   beech; for managed beech forest – 28 species from 8 genera (860 specimens of minute tree-fungus
                                   beetles). Primeval beech forests are an important center for the diversity of minute tree-fungus beetles,
                                   because of the 38 species known from the Ukrainian Carpathians, 31 species have been registered in
                                   the Uholsky massif of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve.
                                      Key  words:  Coleoptera,  Ciidae,  minute  tree-fungus  beetles,  saproxylic  fungi,  primeval  forest,
                                   Carpathian Biosphere Reserve.
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