Page 171 - Наукові записки Державного природознавчого музею, 2024 Вип. 40
P. 171
170 Кузярін О.Т., Новіков А.В.
Kuzyarin O.T., Novikov A.V.
The genus Asplenium L. (Aspleniacaea) in the collection of vascular plants of the LWS herbarium
The appearance and subsequent analysis of herbarium specimens for the genus Asplenium L. in the
collection of vascular plants of the herbarium LWS of the State Museum of Natural History NASU were
carried out. For these purposes, the electronic database «Biodiversity of Ukraine» has been applied.
In the principal fund for herbarium of vascular plants of the Museum 12 species of the genus Asplenium
(373 herbarium specimens) were registered. They are ordered by the number of representing specimens
(descending) in the next way: Asplenium trichomanes L. (113 specimens), A. ruta-muraria L. (69), A.
viride Huds. (67), A. scolopendrium L. (62), A. septentrionale (L.) Hoffm. (26), A. adiantum-nigrum L.
(16), A. ceterach L. (7), A. fissum Willd. (3), A. fontanum (L.) Bernh. (3), A. germanicum Weis subsp.
heufleri (Reichardt) A.Bobr. (3), A. marinum L. (3) and A. seelosii Leybold (1). The localities of
herbarium collections from the western region of Ukraine (Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Zakarpattia, and
Ternopil regions) prevail. Only some unnumbered herbarium collections of the genus Asplenium are
confined to other regions of Ukraine, as well as to the countries of Central, Southern and Western
Europe (Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Spain, etc.).
Seven representatives of the genus from the Museum collection have conservation status. In particular,
two species (A. × germanicum subsp. heufleri and A. adiantum-nigrum) are protected at the national
level, and the other five species (A. ruta-muraria, A. scolopendrium, A. septentrionale, A. viride and A.
trichomanes) are included in the official lists of regionally rare plants within certain regions of
Keywords: Asplenium, vascular plants, herbarium collection, main fund, localities, rare species,
electronic database «Biodiversity of Ukraine», State Museum of Natural History.