Page 95 - Наукові записки Державного природознавчого музею, 2022 Вип. 38
P. 95

94                     Гураль-Сверлова Н. В., Гураль Р. І.

                                    Gural-Sverlova N., Egorov R., Kruglova O., Kovalevich N., Gural R. 2021.Introduced
                                       land snail Cepaea nemoralis (Gastropoda: Helicidae) in Eastern Europe: spreading
                                       history and the shell colouration variability. Malacologica Bohemoslovaca. Vol. 20.
                                       P. 75–91. DOI:
                                    iNaturalist.  2022.  iNaturalist:  A  Community  for  Naturalist  [online].  Available  at:
                                       <> [Accessed 26 March 2022].
                                    Murray J. 1975. The genetics of the Mollusca. In: R.C. King (Ed.) Handbook of genetics.
                                       Vol. 3. New York: Plenum Press. P. 3–31.
                                    Ożgo M. 2010. Populations of Cepaea hortensis (O.F.Müller, 1774), polymorphic for the
                                       colour  of  shell  lip  in  north-western  Poland  and  north-central  Gernany.  Folia
                                       Malacologica. Vol. 18 No. 2. P. 93–97. DOI:
                                    Schilder F.A., Schilder M. 1957. Die Bänderschnecken. Eine Studie zur Evolution der Tiere.
                                       Schluß: Die Bänderschnecken Europas. Jena: Gustav Fischer Verlag. S. 93–206.
                                    UkrBIN. 2022. UkrBIN: Ukrainian Biodiversity Information Network [online]. Available
                                       at: <> [Accessed 26 March 2022].

                                   Державний природознавчий музей НАН України, Львів

                                   Gural-Sverlova N. V., Gural R. I.
                                   Phenotypic  markers  and  history  of  the  introduction  of  white-lipped  snail  Cepaea  hortensis
                                   (Gastropoda, Helicidae) in western regions of Ukraine
                                      The dependence of the introduction history of Cepaea hortensis in the western regions of Ukraine
                                   and the phenotypic variability of this species, concerning the shell and body colouration, is analysed.
                                   In areas inhabited by descendants of the primary introduction (most likely, the second half of the 20th
                                   century, but not later than the 1970s) no more than three main variants of shell colouration are
                                   observed:  yellow  or  white  unbanded,  white  banded.  There  is  also  no  variability  in  the  body
                                   colouration; all snails have a light body, without gray or reddish pigment. The most characteristic
                                   feature of such colonies, which can serve as a phenotypic marker, is the presence of dark spiral bands
                                   only on white shells. An analysis of photographs from different parts of the present  range of  C.
                                   hortensis, significantly expanded due to anthropochory, made it possible to find out that shells with
                                   a white ground colour and especially white banded shells are found in different countries of Europe
                                   and North America. However, white is not the only colouration variant of the banded shells there.
                                   Conversely, yellow banded shells are one of the typical colouration variants in different parts of the
                                   range of C. hortensis. Recently, at some sites of Western Ukraine, colonies of C. hortensis with a
                                   different phenotypic composition have begun to be found, formed as a result of repeated introductions
                                   of this species, which pass through various garden centres. Such colonies are characterized by the
                                   presence of yellow banded and sometimes also pink shells as well as by a more or less pronounced
                                   variability in body colouration. The most interesting is the presence at some sites of Lviv and its
                                   environs of a rare hereditary trait that is only locally found in the natural range of C. hortensis,
                                   namely, the dark lip in some adults. At sites with the presence of such a feature, all pink and single
                                   yellow shells have a dark lip. We found out that the spreading of carriers of this trait occurs through
                                   the garden centre "Club of Plants", located near Lviv (Pidbirtsi). At the same time, at some sites of
                                   Lviv and its environs, where pink shells were also found, all of them had a light lip, characteristic of
                                   C. hortensis. This indicates that repeated introductions of C. hortensis, even within the same Lviv, not
                                   only pass-through different garden centres, but also have different origins.
                                      Key words: introduced species, anthropochory, land molluscs, polymorphism.
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