Page 239 - Наукові записки Державного природознавчого музею, 2022 Вип. 38
P. 239

236              Голіней Г. М., Прокоп’як М. З., Пшеничняк О. В.

                                    Шешурак  П.М.,  Гугля Ю.О.,  Кавурка В.В.,  Вобленко О.С.  2017.  До  вивчення
                                       лускокрилих (Insecta, Lepidoрtera) Ічнянського національного природного парку
                                       (Чернігівська область, Україна). Український ентомологічний журнал. 2 (13). С.
                                    European Red List of Butterfies 2010. C. Van Swaay, A. Cuttelod, S. Collins, D. Maes, M.
                                       López  Munguira,  M.  Šašić,  J.  Settele,  R.  Verovnik,  T.  Verstrael,  M.  Warren,  M.
                                       Wiemers, I. Wynhof. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. 47 p.
                                    Fauna     Europaea.   2017.    [online]   Available   at:    <https://fauna-
                             >  [Accessed  16
                                       February 2022].
                                    Nieukerken  E.J.  et  al.  2011.  Order  Lepidoptera  Linnaeus,  1758  //  Zhang  Z.-Q.  (Ed.).
                                       Animal biodiversity: An outline of higher-level classification and survey of taxonomic
                                       richness. Zootaxa. 3148. P. 212–221.

                                   Тернопільський національний педагогічний університет імені Володимира Гнатюка

                                   Holinei H.M., Prokopiak M.Z., Pshenychniak O.V.
                                   Current status of the Nymphalidae family (Insecta, Lepidoptera) in western regions of Ukraine
                                      There  are  original  data  of  the  current  state  of  Nymphalidae  family  in  the  regions  of  Western
                                   Ukraine in this article. The entomological materials were collected during the own expedition and the
                                   teacher training of the students of the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk
                                   National Pedagogical University. The insects were collected during 2021. The species composition of
                                   the diurnal butterflies was conducted. The taxonomic affiliation of the insects was carried out, using
                                   modern  books  of  determinants  of  insects,  the  atlases  and  online  sources.  The  list  of  species  of
                                   Nymphalidae  family  is  formed  according  to  Nieukerken  et  al.  (2011).  The  collection  of  the
                                   entomological material was carried out according to the norms of the environmental legislation. These
                                   insects are in the collections of The Botany and Zoology Department. The insects were collected in
                                   Zakarpattia, Lviv, Volyn, Rivne, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Chernivtsi and Khmelnytskyi regions. The
                                   species composition of the collected insects was analysed. 13 species of Nymphalidae family were
                                   identified in the studied regions. We studied 80 individuals of Nymphalidae family. The investigated
                                   insects  belong  to  11  genera:  Coenonympha  Hübner,  Maniola  Schrank,  Aphantopus  Wallengren,
                                   Melanargia  Meigen,  Vanessa  Fabricius,  Inachis  Hübner,  Agalis  Dalman,  Polygonia  Hübner,
                                   Araschnia  Hübner,  Issoria  Hübner  and  Argynnis  Fabricius.  We  identified  that  some  species  of
                                   Nymphalidae family are common in Ukraine. The largest number of individuals of this family was
                                   calculated. The most popular were Maniola jurtina L., Vanessa atalanta L. and Inachis io L. There
                                   were several individuals of Araschnia levana L., Issoria lathonia L. and Argynnis aglaja L. in the
                                   entomological collection. We will conduct the systematic entomological studies of the fauna of Ukraine
                                   in order to do a detailed analysis of Nymphalidae family and to do the ecological and faunal inventory
                                   of the insects. These data can be used for the further analysis of the changes of species diversity of
                                   Nymphalidae family.
                                      Key words: collections of insects, diurnal butterflies, Nymphalidae, the distribution.
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