Page 233 - Наукові записки Державного природознавчого музею, 2022 Вип. 38
P. 233
230 Заморока А. М., Михайлюк-Заморока О.В.
Agassiz L. 1842-1846. Nomenclator zoologicus: continens nomina systematica generum animalium
tam viventium quam fossilium, secundum ordinem alphabeticum disposita, adjectis auctoribus,
libris, in quibus reperiuntur, anno editionis, etymologia et familiis, ad quas pertinent, in singulis
classibus. Solothurn (Jent & Gassmann).
Drapiez P.A.J. 1819. Description de huit espèces d'insectes nouveaux. Annales Générales des
Sciences Physiques. Bruxelles. Vol. 1. P. 290-298.
Tavakilian G., Chevillotte H. 2021. Base de données Titan sur les Cerambycidés ou Longicornes
[online]. (Останнє обновлення 16 вересня 2022 року). Доступне <>.
Zamoroka A.M. 2021. Is Clytini monophyletic? The evidence from five-gene phylogenetic analysis.
Наукові записки Державного природознавчого музею. Вип. 37. С. 191-214.
Zamoroka A. M. 2022. The longhorn beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) of Ukraine: Results of two
centuries of research. Biosystem diversity. Vol. 30 No 1. P. 46-74.
1 Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника,
2 Природничо-математичний ліцей імені Івана Пулюя, Івано-Франківськ
Zamoroka A.M., Mykhailiuk-Zamoroka O.V.
Proposals for unification and use of the Ukrainian national nomenclature for native and exotic
species of the longhorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Ukraine. Part II: subfamily
In the second part of the study, we unified and codified the Ukrainian National nomenclature of the
round-necked longhorn beetles (Cerambycinae). We analyzed published cases of the Ukrainian names
using of the longhorn beetles during the last two centuries. This includes critical review of different
taxa of the round-necked longhorn beetles, including species, genera and tribes. We found numerous
uses of Russian tracings and Latin transliterations instead of the Ukrainian names. We proposed to
remove them from using for scientific and popular publications wrote in Ukrainian, and replacing them
with specific Ukrainian names and/or adapted translations from the latinized scientific names. In
general, we found only 35 valid names of the round-necked longhorn beetles in Ukrainian. Other names
are unsuitable due to non-binomial nomenclature and replacement from Russian or Latin. We proposed
122 taxa names for the first time in Ukrainian. In the Part II, we presented Ukrainian names for 157
taxa, including 1 subfamily, 1 supertribe, 19 tribes, 4 subtribes, 43 genera, 4 subgenera, 81 species and
4 species.
Key words: Ukrainian vernacular nomenclature, the longhorn beetles, Cerambycidae.