Page 115 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 37 (Lviv, 2021)
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114                     Гойванович Н. К., Бриндзя І. В.

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                                   Дрогобицький державний педагогічний університет імені Івана Франка, Львівська обл.,
                                   м. Дрогобич

                                   Hoivanovych N., Bryndzia I.
                                   Quality monitoring of well waters of Zhydachiv district of Lviv region
                                      The article presents the results of the study for well water quality in Zhydachiv district on the
                                   following indicators: total microbial count, coli index, content of nitrites, nitrates, ammonium ions,
                                   phosphates and chlorides, mineralization and pH. Exceedance of regulatory values for the content of
                                   nitrates, chlorides and ammonium ions was established. Studies of the total microbial count in drinking
                                   water have shown that the average annual values correspond to the norm only in some settlements in
                                   the winter, and in some cases exceed 2.2-9.8 times. The same tendency for changes is inherent for the
                                   coli-index in the studied water, where exceedances of 2.3-6.9 times were observed. Seasonal biotesting
                                   of well waters was carried out. It was found that most of the tested samples do not meet the standard
                                   for sanitary and hygienic indicators. The phytotoxicity index varies from low (Vilkhivtsi, Zhyrova) to
                                   high (Zhydachiv) pollution level. As a result of the study, it was found that the toxicity rates are lowest
                                   in the autumn-winter period, while they are the highest during spring-summer.
                                      Key words: drinking water, ecological condition, total microbial count, coli-index, nitrites, nitrates,
                                   ammonium ions, phosphates, chlorides, mineralization, biotesting.
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