Page 93 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 36 (Lviv, 2020)
P. 93

88                       Орлов О. Л., Рагуліна М. Є.

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                                   Державний природознавчий музей НАН України, Львів

                                   Оrlov О., Ragulina М.
                                   Influence of beech forests fragmentation of Stilsky Hillside on their microclimatic parameters
                                      Estimation of changes in the microclimatic parameters of beech forests of the Stilsky Hillside, by
                                   measuring the water-temperature indicators of the soil regime and bryoindication, were performed.
                                   Fragmentation of forest causes significant changes in microclimatic parameters in bondary habitats
                                   areas, which leads to both biodiversity loss and a decrease of the unchanged forest areas. In fragmented
                                   beech forests, the influence of the edge effect on the water-temperature regime of soils is observed
                                   within a distance of 20-40 meters, but the eco-floristic structure of nemoral moss vegetation is stabilized
                                   only  at  a  distance  from  160  m.  Thus,  bryobiontes  are  a  shown  to  be  a  sensitive  marker  of  the
                                   microclimatic regime changes in a fragmented ecosystem. In the studied beeches Metzgeria furcata,
                                   Radula complanata, Anomodon attenuatus, A. viticulosus, Cirriphyllum crassinervium are indicators
                                   of the "interior forest". The determined amplitude of the edge effect indicates the fragmentation as a
                                   crucial factor on the small areas of forest and its role in the loss of climate-sensitive groups of biota,
                                   primarily mosses.
                                      Кey  words:  fragmentation,  beech  forests,  microclimatic  parameters,  bryoindication,  old-groth
                                   forest indicators, edge effect.
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