Page 22 - Наукові записки ДПМ. Т 35/2019
P. 22

              Випуск 35                        Львів, 2019                     С. 21-36

            UDC 595.7:57.082.132:069.5(477)

            Ocheretna K.


                  The collections of Cryptophagidae beetles stored in the natural museums of Ukraine were
               studied: three academic and two university collections – State Museum of Natural History,
               National Museum of Natural History and I.I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of the National
               Academy  of  Sciences  of  Ukraine,  Zoological  Museum  of  T.  Shevchenko  Kyiv  National
               University and Museum of Natural History of V. Karazin Kharkiv National University, and also
               author’s work collection. The volumes and the state of their preservation have been analyzed.
               The  representation  of  different  species  in  collections,  as  a  whole,  and  in  relation  to  the
               Carpathian  fauna  is  evaluated.  In  general,  museum  collections  contain  1346 samples  of
               Cryptophagids, in each of which – about 210-340 individuals, all of them are stored in separate
               boxes and punctured by entomologic needles. The author's collection includes 1657 specimens
               of 57 species, which are mostly stored on cotton mattresses. All six collections include 122
               species  of  16  genera,  containing  from  21  to  85  species  of  this  family.  Some  samples  in
               collections have been lost for various reasons, in 10 cases there are only needles with labels
               without  the  samples  themselves,  therefore,  some  species  (eg Cryptophagus  nitidulus,  C.
               hexagonalis) are represented in collections conditionally, only in labels. At the revision of
               materials attention is paid to taxonomic changes, through which in the publications and in the
               actual material different species or generic synonymic names were used. The author also took
               into  account  the  uniqueness  of  each  of  the  collections,  which  was  determined  by  several
               important parameters, including the number of samples that are presented exclusively in some
               of the museum of species and genera of the family, the number of samples and type specimens
               in collection. For most of these parameters the leader is the collection of Zoological Museum
               of T. Shevchenko Kyiv National University. All data is included in the author's database, which
               contains summaries of annotations containing collections of samples, names of regions and
               localities  of  collection,  dates,  collectors,  or  owners  of  the  collection,  and  also  notes  with
               clarifications of places or details of reidentifications.
                  Key words: Cryptophagidae, collections, natural museums, species diversity.

               Collection specimens for taxonomy and checking the current distribution of species are
            extremely valuable, so their analysis should be one of the important components of the study
            of the fauna of Coleoptera and, in particular, Cryptophagidae. Such studies are  common
            practice among Western and Ukrainian scientists. In particular, the work of S. Ribeiro-Costa
            with  co-authors  devoted  to  the  study  of  collection  specimens  of  beetles  of zoological
            department of the Federal University of Paraná State of Brazil [21] should be noted, which
            includes  the  analysis  of  typical  specimens  of  collection  of  the  famous  entomologist
            J. S. Moure  [5].  Also,  many  scientific  papers,  including  those  relating  directly  to
            Cryptophagids,  are  based  on  a  comparative  analysis  of  own  and  museum  collections
            [6, 19] or exclusively the museum collections [2, 3, 16].
               Cryptophagidae is a unique object for monitoring, studying the variability and dynamics
            of  biota,  since  they  are  diverse  in  species  and  generic  composition  and  environmental
            preferences,  many  of  them  close  the  trophic  chains  and  available  in  different  types  of
            communities [9]. We can study the diversity of fauna only through the accumulation of large
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