Page 23 - Наукові записки ДПМ. Т 35/2019
P. 23

22                              Ocheretna K.

                                   amounts of primary data, because there are always rare species, with a narrow range of
                                   biotope confinement and seasonal activity, species that change their natural habitats, etc.
                                   Therefore, when data on the composition and dynamics of biota are collecting, it is important
                                   to investigate the collection material that is collected over many generations of researchers,
                                   in different regions, biotopes and for different purposes. Collections gradually accumulate a
                                   fairly complete amount of data about fauna, which is often impossible to obtain during the
                                   period of activity of one researcher [24].
                                      Cryptophagids correspond to the foregoing features, and such collections are extremely
                                   valuable, because, firstly, a large number of species is de facto known only from collections,
                                   secondly, we can check the correctness of specification of a particular species considering to
                                   the modern taxonomy of the group, and thirdly, the collections allow us to summarize data
                                   from large areas over a long period of time. Collections provide us information on fauna
                                   status and types of localities that may be destroyed before the research.
                                      The  purpose  of  this  work  was  to  summarize  all  information  about  the  findings  of
                                   Cryptophagidae species available in zoological and natural museums of Ukraine, which are
                                   confirmed by collecting specimens, and in necessary cases, reidentificated.


                                      Specimens from the following five museum collections are analyzed 1) collection of State
                                   Museum of Natural History of the NAS of Ukraine (Lviv); 2) collection of National Museum
                                   of Natural History at the NAS of Ukraine (Kyiv); 3) collection of State Museum of Nature
                                   of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University; 4) collection of Zoological Museum of Taras
                                   Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, and 5) collection of V. Lazorko, which is stored in
                                   the funds of the I.I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of NAS of Ukraine (Kyiv).
                                      For  comparison,  the  author's  collection  is  presented  in  the  general  table  and  in  the
                                   description of each collection; a more detailed characteristics of the author's collection will
                                   be published in a separate work. In future this collection author plans to transfer to one
                                   of mentioned museums.
                                      Designation of collections: SMNH, NMNH, MNKU, ZMKU, SIZK (acronyms according
                                   to: [25]) and KOC. Characteristics of collections are listed below in a separate section. In a
                                   number of cases, the nomenclature of genera and species has been modified according to
                                   modern nomenclature [12].
                                      Analyzing the volume and composition of collections, the author pays attention to the
                                   Cryptophagids of the Carpathians and the presence of specimens from this territory among
                                   collections  of  museum  samples.  While  reviewing  collections,  much  attention  was  paid
                                   to these specimens in order to undertake further in-depth analysis of the fauna of the region
                                   in the time aspect, especially — to changes of species composition during the last century,
                                   based on museum exhibits and on original research by the author.
                                      Table  1  contains  summarized  data  for  each  collection,  specifying  the  full  name  and
                                   acronym, the volume of the collection and its locality.
                                      Author merged the detailed data on specimens in collections into a consolidated database
                                   in  the  form  of  a  MS  Excel  table,  which  includes  actual  names  and  reidentifications,
                                   information about the region, place and date of collection, and collector or owner of the
                                   collection. The "Notes" field specifies the species name according to the original label and
                                   other details. The names of specific locations and exact dates of collection are encrypted with
                                   individual original encodings, some of which could not be interpreted.
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