Page 116 - Наукові записки ДПМ. Т 35/2019
P. 116

110                        Мерза С.П., Капрусь І.Я.

                                    33. Stöcker  G.  Ein  Modell  der  Dominanzstruktur  und  seine  Anwedung.  1.  Modellbildung,
                                       Modellrealisierung,  Dominanzklassen  /  G.  Stöcker,  A.  Bergmann  //  Arch.  Naturschutz  u.
                                       Lanschafstforschung. – 1977. – Vol. 17, № 1. – P. 1-26.
                                    34. Whittaker R.H. Evolution and measurement of species diversity / R.H. Whittaker // Taxon. –
                                       1972. – № 21. – P. 213-251.

                                   1  Львівський національний аграрний університет України, Львівська обл., м. Дубляни
                                   2  Державний природознавчий музей НАН України, м. Львів

                                   Merza S.P., Kaprus I.Ya.
                                   The fauna and population of Collembola in the Male Polissia agrocenoses
                                      There was conducted analysis of taxonomic and synecologic structure of collembola' communoties
                                   in five most widespread types of Small Polissya's agrocenosis, in particular, wheat, rape, soy, potato
                                   and corn. It was discovered that explored communities of Collembola are characterized by their high
                                   species riches (more than 49 species from 35 genera and 12 families) and for their variability of indexes
                                   density, equalization of the population and species diversity. Under the influence of agricultural using
                                   lands for arable were fixed many-sided and often not predicted changes of synecological structure of
                                   collembolan cenotical  communities. Separately, it was installed expansion of collembolan' mass circle
                                   forms as part of agrogroups, comparatively with natural cenoses, appearance of specific dominants and
                                   the emergence of different species' superdominance. It was conducted that in different types of Small
                                   Polissya`s explored agrocenosis can potentially dominate 31 collembola`s species? to their total share
                                   belong 75,1-100% of all coenotic groups` number. There were calculated and analyzed point alpha-
                                   variety,  coenotic  alpha-variety,  internallycoenotic  beta-variety  indices  of  Simpson,  Berger-Parker,
                                   Shannon and Shannon`s index of leveling. Spectra of collembolan' life forms are characterized by their
                                   own specificity as in different types of agrocenosis, so in different variants for certain type. In structure
                                   of collembolan' biotopic groups was noticed increase to 50% species' representation, which are resistant
                                   to  the  dry  environment.  Also,  explored  agrocenosis  are  characterized  by  their  sharp  reduction  of
                                   hydrophilic collembolas` fraction in comparison with forest and meadow cenosis of explored district
                                   (conducted 3 species from hydrophilled and hydromesophilled complexes. Analysis of collembola`s
                                   life  forms  correlation  showed  that  for  species  riches  in  explored  agrocenosis  most  often  prevail
                                   representatives of upper lobe biomorph, 11-80,9% of coenotic variety. Similar structure of collembolas`
                                   life forms` spectras is also noticed in forest, meadow and meadow-stewed biotops of latitudinal zones
                                   of Ukraine`s broadleaf and mixed forests.
                                      Keywords: biodiversity, Collembola, soil fauna, agrocenoses.

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