Page 30 - NZDPM 33/2017
P. 30

Nesting habitats of Black Stork (Ciconia nigra L.) in Ukrainian forest zone …   29

                                                                                Table 3

               Distribution (%) of Black Stork nests in the forests of different productivity classes
                  in relation to general frequency distribution of those classes in the region

                Forest                      In 500m   In buffers around   In the entire
              productivity   Nests locations   buffers   random points   study area
                classes                                  (n=108)
               (bonitet)     n       %         %            %          %        ha
                  1         40      40,8      33,7         32,4       35,9    140720
                 1A         11      11,2       8,6         10,8       10,2     39971
                 1B          0       0,0       0,7         1,0         0,8     3015
                 1V          0       0,0       0,0         0,3         0,1      239
                 1G          0       0,0       0,1         0,1         0,1      246
                  2         30      30,6      37,1         35,9       33,9    132850
                  3         12      12,2      12,3         12,9       11,4     44573
                  4          2       2,0       5,1         3,3         4,3     17002
                  5          2       2,0       1,5         1,8         1,9     7605
                 5A          1       1,0       0,8         1,4         1,3     4962
                 5B          0       0,0       0,3          -          0,1      560
                Total       98                       100                      391742

                                            Nesting trees
               The majority of studied nests in Ukrainian Polissya are located on oaks (table 4). Other
            important tree species for storks is pine. All other tree species comprise less than 17% of all
            the cases. Such proportion is typical for all the studied sub-regions of Polissya and is similar
            to the findings of other researchers in Ukraine [5, 16, 17, 20] and in some regions of Europe
            [3, 8, 19]. The proportion of nests on various trees may differ from study to study [6, 8, 15]
            and might be strongly dependent on the availability of different tree species in the studied
            areas. At the same time, oak seems to be one of the most preferable trees in all the cases when
            it is available. Nesting trees were usually very old – older than the surrounding forest stand.
            Unfortunately,  we  do  not  possess  any  data  on  the  exact  tree  age  to  compare  it  with  the
            published studies, but the same tendency was observed in all the works cited above.

                                                                                Table 4

                       Numbers of Black Stork nests located on different tree species
                                 in the Ukrainian Forest zone (Polissya)

              Tree species                                               Total   %
                           Volyn  Rivne  Zhytomyr  Kyiv  Chernihiv  Sumy
             Oak             27     69      60     21      16       7    200     53,3
             Pine            29     35      20      7      15       7    112     29,9
             Alder           14     9        2      -       2       1     28     7,5
             Silver birch    4      3        5      -       1       -     13     3,5
             Common aspen    2      7        7      -       -       -     16     4,3
             Ash             1       -       -      -       -       -     1      0,2
             Willow           -      -       -      -       3       2     5      1,3
             Total           77     123     94     28      37      17    375     100
   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35