Page 13 - Наукові записки Державного природознавчого музею, 2024 Вип. 40
P. 13

12                       Климишин О.С, Савицька А.Г.

                                    Shultz A.J., Adams B.J., Bell K.C., Ludt W.B., Pauly G.B., Vendetti J.E. 2021. Natural
                                       history collections are critical resources for contemporary and future studies of urban
                                       evolution.  Evolutionary  Applications.  Vol.  14  No.  1.  P.  233–247.  DOI:
                                    Sweeney, P., Starly, B., Morris, P.J., Xu, Y., Jones, A., Radhakrishnan, S., Grassa,
                                       C.J.,  &  Davis,  C.C.  (2018).  Large-scale  digitization  of  herbarium  specimens:
                                       development and usage of an automated, high-throughput conveyor system. Taxon,
                                       67(1), 165–178.
                                    Tulig,  M.,  Tarnowsky,  N.,  Bevans,  M.,  Kirchgessner,  A.,  &  Thiers,  B.M.  (2012).
                                       Increasing  the  efficiency  of  digitization  workflows  for  herbarium  specimens.
                                       ZooKeys, 209, 103–113. URL:

                                   1   Дрогобицький  державний  педагогічний  університет  імені  Івана  Франка,
                                   Львівська обл., м. Дрогобич
                                   2  Державний природознавчий музей НАН України, м. Львів

                                   Klymyshyn O.S., Savytska A.G.
                                   State  and  prospects  of  using  the  scientific  potential  of  the  bryological  collection  of  the  LWS
                                      The article substantiates the significance of the scientific potential of the bryological collection of
                                   the LWS herbarium of the State Natural  History Museum of the National  Academy of Sciences of
                                   Ukraine as a source оf practical scientific research. The main criteria for an integral expert assessment
                                   of the natural history museum collection are presented, including the characteristics of the collection
                                   itself, as well as the results of the attribution of its components. The significant achievements of the
                                   main collectors-scientists, who have worked on unique museum collections of bryophytes at different
                                   times, were analyzed. The assessment of the collection for the preservation of natural heritage, the
                                   prospects of its further use for conducting scientific research, as well as the possibility of its long-term
                                   storage and replenishment in order to increase the taxonomic and geographical representativeness of
                                   bryophytes is given. The experience of digitization of collection herbarium bryological materials is
                                   presented,  which  has  become  an  important  factor  for  reliable  recording  of  this  information  and
                                   optimization of the process of further scientific processing of collections.
                                      Keywords:  scientific  potential,  assessment  criteria,  bryological  collection,  LWS  herbarium,
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