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222                              Гірна А. Я.

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                                    28. Polchaninova N., Prokopenko E. An updated checklist of spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) of Left-
                                       Bank Ukraine // Arachnologische Mitteilungen. – 2019. – 57. – P. 60-64.
                                    29. Prószyński J., Staręga W. Pająki-Aranei // Katalog Fauny Polski. – 1971. – 33. –S. 1-382.
                                    30. Roşca  A.  Fauna  araneelor  din  Bucovina  (sistematica,  ecologia  si  raspândirea  geografica)  //
                                       Buletinul Facultatii de Stiinte din Cernauti. – 1936. – 10. – P. 123-216.
                                    31. Rozwałka R., Renn K., Sienkiewicz P. Pająki Araneae i kosarze Opiliones Lednickiego Parku
                                       Krajobrazowego (I) // Przegląd Przyrodniczy. – 2014. – 25. – S. 42-63.
                                    32. Staręga W., Błaszak C., Rafalski J. Arachnida. Pajęczaki // Czerwona lista zwierząt ginących i
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                                    34. Wajgiel L. Pajęczaki galicyjskie (Arachnoidea Haliciae). – Kołomyia, 1874. – 36 s.
                                    35. Woźny M., Czajka M. Pająki (Aranei) Lwowa i jego okolic // Acta Univ. Wratislaviensis. – Prace
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                                   Інститут екології Карпат НАН України, м. Львів

                                   Hirna А.
                                   Rare and poorly known spider species of the Volhynian Polissia (Ukraine)
                                      State of  knowledge about  spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) from the Volhynian Polissia, which is
                                   located within the Volyn and Rivne oblasts of Ukraine, were analyzed. According to the literature-
                                   derived data, araneofauna of this region consists of 285 species. More than 250 of them were listed
                                   from the Shatsk National Nature Park of the Volyn oblast and 75 from Lva-Stvyga inter-river area of
                                   the Rivne oblast. These studies cover the extreme western and eastern points of the region, while the
                                   main  part  of  the  territory  remains  unexplored.  Based  on  the  analysis  of  published  data  and  in
                                   accordance with unpublished material of my own collection, six rare and poorly-known species of
                                   spiders of the Volhynian Polissia were singled out, namely Argyroneta aquatica (Clerck, 1757), Lathys
                                   heterophthalma Kulczyński, 1891, Gnaphosa nigerrima L. Koch, 1877, Micaria micans (Blackwall,
                                   1858), Zelotes exiguus (Müller & Schenkel, 1895) та Erigonoplus foveatus (Dahl, 1912). Among them,
                                   Lathys heterophthalma is first mentioned from Ukrainian Polissia, Micaria micans – from Ukraine.
                                   For each of  species, a brief description of the distribution in the world and in Ukraine, as well as
                                   environmental  preferences  are  given,  localities  within  the  Volhynian  Polissia  are  described  and
                                   highlighted on the map. Analysing these data, we can assume that the number of records of species
                                   such as Argyroneta aquatica, Erigonoplus foveatus and Zelotes exiguus will certainly increase when
                                   the territory of Polissia is more fully covered by research. Two species, Lathys heterophthalma and
                                   Micaria micans, are known from single localities. However, Micaria micans as a separate species is
                                   considered  only  from  2020.  Therefore,  it  is  necessary  to  revise  the  available  material  of  Micaria
                                   pulicaria, which was previously considered a senior synonym to Micaria micans, and to accumulate
                                   new data on the distribution of those two species not only in Ukraine but also in Europa. Gnaphosa
                                   nigerrima, requires monitoring of populations because it occurs in oligotrophic sphagnum bogs, the
                                   area of which has been steadily declining in recent decades. From this point of view, it should be
                                   included in the list of rare species of animals in the region.
                                      Key words: Araneae, Ukrainian Polissia, Cybaeidae, Dictynidae, Gnaphosidae, Linyphiidae.
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