Page 99 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 36 (Lviv, 2020)
P. 99

94                             Гуштан Г. Г.

                                    1.  Гуштан Г. Г. Антропогенні трансформації лучних угруповань орібатид (Acari: Oribatida)
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                                       Серія Біологія. – 2014. – № 36. – С. 102-107.
                                    2.  Гуштан Г. Г. Історія  досліджень панцирних кліщів (Acari:  Oribatida) лучних екосистем
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                                    8.  Ярошенко  Н.  Н.  Орибатидные  клещи  (Acariformes,  Oribatei)  естественных  экосистем
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                                    9.  Subías, L.S. (2004) Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los ácaros oribátidos
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                                    10. Stöcker  G.  Ein  Modell  der  Dominanzstruktur  und  seine  Anwendung.  1.  Modellbildung.
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                                   Державний природознавчий музей НАН України, м. Львів

                                   Hushtan H. H.
                                   The changes in ecological structure of oribatid mites (Oribatida) communities under the
                                   influence of anthropogenic factors on Transcarpathian Lowland
                                      The peculiarities of changes in the ecological structure of oribatid communities under the influence
                                   of  anthropogenic  factors  (grazing and hydromelioration)  in the conditions of  the  Transcarpathian
                                   Lowland are considered in the work. In particular, the changes in the structure of mopho-ecological
                                   types (adaptive types), biotope groups and complexes according to the hygropreferendum, which occur
                                   due to the transformation of biotopes, are analyzed. It is established that hydromelioration and grazing
                                   leads to various tendency changes, which in turn are related to the peculiarities of the biology of
                                   specific species of oribatids and the specifics of the action of the studied factors.
                                      Key words: oribatid mites, communities, ecological groups, habitats, Transcarpathian Lowland.
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