Page 41 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 36 (Lviv, 2020)
P. 41

40                     Загороднюк І. В., Черемних Н. М.

                                    20. Попов  Б.  М.  Мамаліологічні  нотатки.  І.  Поширення  Лейслерової  вечерниці  (Nyctalus
                                       leisleri Kuhl, Chiroptera) в УСРР. II. Знахідка лісової мишівки (Sicista montana Mehely) в
                                       межах УСРР. Збірник праць зоологічного музею. – 1936. – Том 18. – С. 191–196.
                                    21. Шевченко Л. С., Золотухина С. И. Млекопитающие. Выпуск 2 (Насекомоядные, рукокры-
                                       лые, зайцеобразные, грызуны). – Зоомузей ННПМ НАН Украины, Киев, 2005. – С. 1–238.
                                       (Серия: «Каталог коллекций Зоологического музея ННПМ НАН Украины»).
                                    22. Barkasi  Z.  Endemism  in  the  mammalian  fauna  of  the  Carpathians.  Proceedings  of  the
                                       Theriological School. – 2016. – Vol. 14. – P. 3–15.
                                    23. Barkaszi Z. Boreal species Microtus agrestis and Sicista betulina in the region of the Ukrainian
                                       Carpathians: a review. Proceedings of the Theriological School. – 2017. – Vol. 15. – P. 86–93.

                                   1  Національний науково-природничий музей НАН України, м. Київ
                                   2  Державний природознавчий музей НАН України, м. Львів

                                   Zagorodniuk I. V., Cheremnykh N. M.
                                   Birch mice (Sicista) in the fauna of Ukraine: analysis of zoological collections of natural history
                                   museums of the NAS of Ukraine
                                      Materials  on  the  findings  of  birch-mice  in  Ukraine  are  extremely  incomplete  and  require
                                   verification, so estimates of the relative abundance of species and their distribution are made on the
                                   basis of collections of both academic collections of Ukraine: State Museum of Natural History (SMNH)
                                   and National Science Museum (NMNH), NAS of Ukraine. Collections of birch-mice accumulated in the
                                   DPM and NMNH for the entire period of its zoological collections are analyzed: according to the actual
                                   dates, the material covers the period 1928–1999 (several series of samples are attributed by funders as
                                   “1900–1915”, without explanation, in all cases such dates refer to collection of O. Browner). In total,
                                   there are 86 specimens of 4 species, forming two species groups. In general, the detailed records of 26
                                   specimens of S. betulina, 12 of S. strandi, 6 of S. severtzovi, and 43 of S. loriger are described. For the
                                   latter species, the records are presented for three separate series: east (22) and west (14) of the Dnipro,
                                   and the Crimea (4). Each find is given with all the important details (collection, numbers, sample types,
                                   location,  date,  collector),  and  appropriate  comments  are  given  for  all  problem  data:  species
                                   identification, data publication, location, date or collector. The state of collections and the state of
                                   records  about  them  is  such  that  the  number  of  clarifications  significantly  exceeds  the  number  of
                                   records. Therefore, the use of published catalogs (especially the catalog of mammals of NMNH) is
                                   highly  not  recommended:  in  fact,  all  records  require  corrections  related  to problems  of  incorrect
                                   rewriting of primary label information, and its incorrect interpretation. In fact, this work is the first
                                   attempt to revize the available materials, but the audit is not complete due to the inability to review all
                                   samples and all primary labels simultaneously. Analysis of the distribution of specimens by months of
                                   the year showed that all species were collected mainly in May to July (67,8 % specimens), and the
                                   whole peak of seasonal activity, judging by the collection dates, covers 6 months and lasts from April
                                   to September. The issue of supplementing the collections is considered. The peak of the most massive
                                   filling fell on the 1920th, 1940th and 1980th (about 20–25 specimens were collected).
                                      Key words: zoological collections, birch mice, fauna of Ukraine, State Natural History Museum
                                   and National Museum of Natural History of the NAS of Ukraine.
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