Page 152 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 36 (Lviv, 2020)
P. 152

Addenda to the knowledge of the weevil fauna …        143

                                        Subfamily Cossoninae
            Cotaster uncipes (Boheman, 1838) (fig. 5)
            Records. Zakarpatska Province [10]
            Material.  1  spec.  (KhDC),  NE  Carpathians,  Lviv  Prov.,  Skole  Distr.,  near  Nyzhnie
            Synovydne,  N49.090861,  E23.643894,  deciduous  forest,  30.III.2020,  sifting  leaf  litter;
            4  spec.  (KhDC,  1  -  DMLU),  NE  Carpathians,  Lviv  Prov.,  Stryi  Distr.,  near  Rozgirche,
            N49.109959, E23.707283, mixed forest, 18.IV.2020, sifting leaf litter.
            Remark. Inhabits both deciduous hornbeam-oak (Carpinus betulus-Quercus robur-Populus
            tremula) and mixed beech-spruce (Fagus sylvatica-Picea abies) forests of foothills. Beetles
            sifted exclusively from leaf litter near huge deciduous and coniferous trees. This is the first
            record from Lviv Province and Ciscarpathian region.

                                      Subfamily Curculioninae
            Anthonomus undulatus Gyllenhal, 1836 (fig. 4)
            Records. First record in Ukraine.
            Material.  1  spec.  (KhDC),  NE  Carpathians,  Lviv  Prov.,  Stryi  Distr.,  near  Rozgirche,
            N49.109959, E23.707283, mixed forest, 10.III.2019, sifting leaf litter.
            Remark. The single hibernating specimen was accidentally sifted from leaf litter of foothill
            deciduous  forest  with  dominance  of  oak  (Quercus  robur)  and  birch  (Betula  sp.),  with  a
            mixture of hornbeam (Carpinus betulus), alder (Alnus sp.), and hazel understory (Corylus

            Orthochaetes setiger (Beck, 1817)
            Records. Chernivtsi, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Zakarpatska Provinces [6, 8, 10].
            Material. 1 spec. (KhDC), NW Podolian Upland, Lviv Prov., Brody Distr., near Buchyna,
            Mts Drancha, N50.031016, E25.283051, steppe site, 9.V-21.VI.2019, pitfall trap.
            Remark. Xerothermic habitat on chalk hilltop with scattered grass cover.

                                     Subfamily Cryptorhynchinae
            Acallocrates colonnellii Bahr, 2003
            Records. First record in Ukraine.
            Material.  1  spec.  (KhDC),  NE  Carpathians,  Lviv  Prov.,  Stryi  Distr.,  near  Rozgirche,
            N49.109959, E23.707283, mixed forest, 24.III.2019, sifting leaf litter; 3 spec. (KhDC, 1 -
            DMLU), idem, 23.IV.2019; 1 spec. (KhDC), idem, 18.IV.2020; 1 spec. (KhDC), Lviv Prov.,
            Stryi Distr., 2 km SE Semyhyniv, N49.139689, E23.750811, Semyhyniv Protected Area,
            mixed forest, 6.IV.2020, sifting leaf litter.
            Remark.  Inhabits  mixed  forests  of  foothills  (Carpinus  betulus-Quercus  robur-Populus
            tremula-Picea abies) with hazel understory (Corylus avellana).

                                        Subfamily Entiminae
            Centricnemus leucogrammus (Germar, 1823)
            Records. Khmelnytskyi, Lviv, Rivne, Ternopil, Vinnytsia, Volyn Provinces [11]
            Material. 5 spec. (KhDC, 1 - DMLU), NW Podolian Upland, Lviv Prov., Brody Distr., near
            Buchyna, Mts Drancha, N50.031016, E25.283051, steppe site, 9.V.2019, sweeping; 1 spec.
            (KhDC), Podolian Upland, Opillia, Ivano-Frankivsk reg., Rohatyn Distr., Chortova Gora
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