Page 148 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 36 (Lviv, 2020)
P. 148

The longhorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) of National Park …   139

                                      Tribus Agapanthiini Mulsant, 1839
                                   Genus Agapanthia Audinet-Serville, 1935
                                 54. Agapanthia villosoviridescens De Geer, 1775
               Examined  materials:  04.VI.2018,  Kremenets,  Office  of  NP  "Kremenetski  Hory"  (50.094041,
            25.713025), A. Zamoroka. 21.05.2018, Lishnya (50.145397,25.803048) I. Dovhaniuk.
                                     55. Agapanthia cardui Linnaeus, 1767
                     Examined  materials:  04.VI.2018,  Pidlistsi,  locality  "Hora  Strakhova"  (50.094754,
                  25.675431),  A.  Zamoroka.  04.VI.2018,  Kremenets,  locality  "Buchyna"  (50.092363,
                  25.696053), A. Zamoroka. 05.VI.2018, Kremenets, locality "Hora Divochi Skeli" (50.118582,
                  25.727934),  A.  Zamoroka.  05.VI.2018,  Lishnya,  locality  "Lypova  Aleya"  (50.143232,
                  25.808983), A. Zamoroka. 05.VI.2018, Bilokrynytsya (50.121861, 25.759254), A. Zamoroka.
                                      Tribus Tetraopini Thomson, 1860
                                  Genus Tetrops Stephens, 1829 not Kirby, 1826
                                     56. Tetrops praeusta Linnaeus, 1758
                     Literature sources: Kremenets [7, 10]
                                       Tribus Saperdini Mulsant, 1839
                                       Genus Saperda Fabricius, 1775
                                    57. Saperda carcharias Linnaeus, 1758
                     Examined  materials:  04.VI.2018,  Kremenets,  Office  of  NP  "Kremenetski  Hory"
                  (50.094041, 25.713025), A. Zamoroka.
                                     58. Saperda scalaris Linnaeus, 1758
                     Examined  materials:  05.VI.2018,  Lishnya,  locality  "Lypova  Aleya"  (50.143232,
                  25.808983), A. Zamoroka.
                                       Genus Phytoecia Dejean, 1835
                                      59. Phytoecia affinis Harrer, 1784
                     Examined  materials:  05.VI.2018,  Lishnya,  locality  "Lypova  Aleya"  (50.143232,
                  25.808983), A. Zamoroka.


               In summary, we presented the first relevant list of 59 species of the longhorn beetles for
            National  Park  "Kremenetski  Hory"  and  predicted  their  number  around  100-120  species.
            According to our quantitative study ten species of the longhorn beetles are the most abundant
            in NP "Kremenetski Hory" and distributed within all types of local ecosystems.


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