Page 54 - Наукові записки ДПМ. Т 35/2019
P. 54

48                               Гураль Р.І.

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                                       26.  Anistratenko V.V., Anistratenko O.Yu. Finding of the regionally extremely rare spring snail
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                                       29.  Glöer  P.,  Georgiev  D.  Redescription of  Viviparus  sphaeridius  Bourguignat,  1880  with  a
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                                       30.  Glöer  P.,  Meier-Brook  C.  Süsswassermollusken.  Ein  Bestimmungsschlüssel  für  die
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                                       31.  Jackiewicz  M.  European  species  of  the  family  Lymnaeidae  (Gastropoda:  Pulmonata:
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                                       32.  Korniushin A.V. Taxonomic revision of the genus Sphaerium sensu lato in the Palaearctic
                                          Region, with some notes on the North American species // Arch. Molluskenkunde. – 2001. –
                                          Vol. 129, N 1/2. – P. 77-122.
                                       33.  Lindholm W. A. Materialien zur Molluskenfauna von Südwestrussland, Polen und der Krim
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                                   Державний природознавчий музей НАН України, Львів

                                   Gural R.I.
                                   Spatial distribution of freshwater molluscs fauna of Ukraine
                                      Based on the literary and personal data, as well as collections of the State Museum of Natural
                                   History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Lviv City, the peculiarities of the recent
                                   spatial distribution of the freshwater molluscs – in the landscape zones and main river basins of Ukraine
                                   – have been analyzed. In both cases, relatively weak spatial differentiation of freshwater malakofauna
                                   was detected.
                                      Key words: freshwater molluscs, zonal distribution, river basins, Ukraine.
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