Page 203 - Наукові записки Державного природознавчого музею, 2023 Вип. 39
P. 203
200 Мамчур З.І., Драч Ю.А.
Pykälä J. 2019. Habitat loss and deterioration explain the disappearance of populations
of threatened vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens in a hemiboreal
landscape. Global Ecology and Conservation. 18, e00610. DOI:
Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка
Mamchur Z.I., Drach Y.A.
Bryoflora of the Romaniv landscape region and adjacent territories (Lviv region)
Research was conducted on bryophytes of the Romaniv landscape reserve and adjacent territories,
which belong to the North-Podilskyi-Dniester key territory of the regional eco-network of the Lviv
region. 73 species of bryophytes from the divisions Marchantiophyta (7 species from the class
Jungermanniopsida, 4 species – Marchantiopsida) and Bryophyta (2 species from the class
Polytrichopsida, 60 species – Bryopsida) were found in the study area. Among the families, Pottiaceae
(9 species, 6.6%), Brachytheciaceae (7 species, 5.1%), Mniaceae (6 species, 4.4%), Plagiotheciaceae
(6 species, 4.4%), Bryaceae (5 species, 3.7%), Orthotrichaceae (4 species, 2.9%), the rest of the
families are oligo- and monospecies. Among the genera are Ptychostomum (4 species, 2.9%),
Plagiothecium (4 species, 2.9%), genera Plagiomnium, Didymodon, Tortula and Orthotrichum – 3
species each (2.2%). According to the substrate affiliation, there is the largest number of epigean
bryophytes. Epiphytes predominate on the bark of deciduous trees, or in the root zone of beech trees.
However, epixillae develop well at various stages of decay in various types of dead wood. Rocky areas
in the middle of the forest, which are located outside the reserve have the biggest species diversity of
bryophytes Mosses inhabit anthropogenically disturbed biotopes, in particular, sand mining quarries
and agricultural land. Based on the geographical analysis, the bryoflora of this territory can be
characterized as nemoral-boreal with some arid and cosmopolitan elements. Features of the
geographical distribution of bryophytes are large areas, accordingly, the share of endemics among
them is insignificant. Regionally rare for the mixed forest zone are Alleniella besseri, Aloina rigida,
Marchantia quadrata, Taxiphyllum wissgrillii. For nemoral – Pellia endiviifolia, Porella platyphylla,
Lophocolea bidentata, Encalypta streptocarpa. Data on the species composition of bryophytes and
their substrate affiliation make it possible to more widely assess the types of biodiversity. The given
sozological analysis of the bryoflora points to the need for further detailed research of the bryoflora.
An annotated list of bryophytes was drawn up on the basis of bryofloristic studies of the Romaniv
landscape reserve and adjacent territories.
Keywords: mosses, liverworts, regionally rare species, Romaniv landscape reserve, regional eco-
network of Lviv region.