Page 57 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 37 (Lviv, 2021)
P. 57

56                    Загороднюк І., Болотіна І., Улюра Є.

                                   Mammals from Belarus in the collections of natural history museums of Ukraine
                                      A review of collection samples of mammals received from the territory of Belarus (within
                                   its modern borders) and stored in natural museums of Ukraine is given. Information on the
                                   materials of 5 museums is summarized – Dybowski Zoological Museum at Lviv National
                                   University (ZMD), Zoological Museum of Kyiv National University (ZMKU), Museum of
                                   Nature at the Kharkiv University (MNKU), State Natural History Museum of NASU (Lviv,
                                   SNHM) and National Museum of Natural History of NAS of Ukraine (Kyiv, NMNH). Within
                                   the  latter,  two  (out  of  three  available)  collections  were  studied  –  the  collections  of  the
                                   Department of Zoology (NNPM-z) and the Department of Museology (NNPM-m). Samples
                                   from Belarus were found in the collections of ZMD (5 specimens), SMNH (2 sp.), NMNH-z
                                   (68 sp.), NMNH-p (36 sp.), NMNH-m (7 sp.), MNKU (3 sp.). In total, there are 121 specimens
                                   of 13 mammal species in the collections. The number of samples is dominated by rodents, in
                                   particular Spermophilus suslicus (61 sp.), Sus scrofa (31 sp.) and Sylvaemus tauricus (7 sp.).
                                   Ancient specimens predominate (1885–1915), among which specimens from the collection of
                                   O. Brauner (NNPM) dominate. Certain groups of mammals appear in collections only in the
                                   last period of accumulation of collections, in particular murine rodents (collections of the
                                   1990s). The largest number of samples was collected in the southern and western regions of
                                   Belarus  within  the  Brest,  Minsk,  Grodno  and  Gomel  oblasts.  The  most  diverse  are  the
                                   collections  from  the  vicinities  of  Mozyr  in  the  Gomel  oblast,  mostly  samples  from  the
                                   Brauner's collections of 1900–1915, which are now stored in the NNPM. The oldest are the
                                   samples of the black rat (Rattus rattus) from the collections of Benedykt Dybowski in 1885
                                   in the family estates of Vojnov and Niankov of the Novogrudok district of the Grodno oblast.
                                   The most valuable is a sample of 61 skulls of ground squirrels Spermophilus odessanus
                                   (suslicus s. lato), collected during 1947–1954 in different districts of Brest, Grodno and
                                   Minsk oblasts. The series Sylvaemus tauricus from Central Polissia (7 sp.), collected in the
                                   1990-1995 and transferred to the NNPM, is also significant.
                                      Key  words:  zoological  collections,  mammals,  fauna  of  Belarus,  natural  museums  of
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