Page 243 - Proceedings of the State Natural History Museum. Issue 37 (Lviv, 2021)
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242                  Коваль Н. П., Глотов С. В.,Чумак В. О.

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                                       updated edition. Brill, Leiden & Boston: I–XXV, 1–1702. DOI: 10.1163/9789004296855.
                                    31. Smetana  A.  Fauna  ČSR.  Svazek  12.  Drabčikoviti-Staphylinidae.  I.  Staphylininae.  (Řad:  Brouci-
                                       Coleoptera). Praha: Československá Akademie Věd, 1958. – 435 pp.
                                    32. Stan  M. The  rove beetle  fauna  (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae)  of  the  maramureş  county  (Maramureş,
                                       Romania).  Transylvanian  Review  of  Systematical  and  Ecological  Research.–  2008.  –  Vol.  5.  –
                                       P. 129–142
                                    33. Szujecki A. Klucze do oznaczania owadów Polski Część XIX Chrząszcze – Coleoptera, Kusakowate
                                       – Staphylinidae Wydłużaki – Xantholinini, Warszawa, 1976.– 24 s.
                                    34. Zerche  L.  Phylogenetisch-systematische  Revision  der  westpaläarktischen  Gattung  Metopsia
                                       Wollaston,1854  (Coleoptera:  Staphylinidae,  Proteininae).  Beitrage  zur  Entomologie.–  1998.  –
                                       Vol. 48. – P. 3-101.

                                   1  Ужанський національний природний парк, Закарпатська обл.
                                   2  Державний природознавчий музей НАН України, м. Львів
                                   3  ДВНЗ "Ужгородський національний університет", м. Ужгород

                                   Koval N.P. , Glotov S.V. , Chumak V.O.
                                   Staphylinidae  beetles  (Coleoptera:  Staphylinidae) of  the upper  forest  line  of  the  Polonynskyi
                                   ridge of Uzhanskyi NNP
                                      The study and conservation of biological diversity remains a priority for modern biology. Despite
                                   the high degree of species diversity and ubiquity the Staphylinidae family is still one of the least studied
                                   groups in the animal world. The material that has formed the basis of the publication was collected
                                   with the help of Barber traps during two years in the permanent trial areas of the Polonynskyi ridge,
                                   namely: in forests, on the border of forests and meadows, forests and mountain meadows, ecotones and
                                   mountain meadows. For the first time, an inventory of the fauna of the Staphylinidae beetles of the
                                   upper forest belt of the Polonynskyi ridge has been carried out. As a result of the conducted research,
                                   the data on the species composition of the Staphylinidae beetles were significantly supplemented and
                                   specified,  and  91  species  belonging  to  10  subfamilies  were  identified  (Scaphidiinae  –  2  species,
                                   Phloeocharinae – 1 species, Proteininae – 2 species, Omaliinae – 6 species, Oxytelinae – 4 species,
                                   Oxyporinae – 1 вид, Paederinae – 3 species, Staphylininae – 34 species, Tachyporinae – 14 species,
                                   Aleocharinae  –  24 species).  Among  the  identified  species,  two  species  –  Plataraea  elegans  and
                                   Schistoglossa drusilloides – are listed for the fauna of Ukraine for the first time, and 58 species for the
                                   first time for the fauna of Uzhansky NNP, one species – Xantholinus azuganus azuganus – is endemic
                                   to the Carpathians, and one species – Velleius dilatatus – is listed in the Red Book of the Ukrainian
                                   Carpathians. Based on the research and analysis of literature and other sources, an annotated list of
                                   identified  species  has  been  compiled,  which  contains  information  about  the  findings  of  species,
                                   synonymy, bionomy and distribution of the species. The results can be used to address a number of
                                   theoretical issues of faunology, zoogeography, ecology, in compiling the inventory of fauna of the
                                   Ukrainian Carpathians, for comparative faunistic research, in the analysis of species distribution, as
                                   well as in biogeographic constructions, study of faunogenesis, ecological monitoring and prediction of
                                   consequences of the influence of human activities on the natural ecosystems of the region.
                                      Key  words:  Staphylinidae beetles,  Uzhanskyi  National  Nature  Park,  fauna,  Polonynskyi  ridge,
                                   upper forest line, Zakarpattia region, Ukraine.
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