Page 81 - NZDPM 34/2018
P. 81
80 Гуштан Г.Г.
составляющие 6 экологических групп по гигропреферендуму. К ним относятся гирофилы,
гигро-мезофилы, мезофилы, мезо-ксерофилы, ксерофилы и эврибионты. Самыми
разнообразными в качественном отношении является лесная биотопная группа и виды-
гигрофилы (31 и 30 видов соответственно).
Ключевые слова: орибатиды, Латорица, Боржава, луга, экосистемы, таксономическое и
экологическое разнообразие, Закарпатье.
Hushtan H. H.
The diversity of oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) of grassland ecosystems of Latorica and
Borzhava river basins
As a result of our research, taxonomic and ecological diversity of oribatid mites in the ecosystems
of the basins of the Latoritsa and Borzhava rivers has been established. For the studied territory, the
species composition of the oribatid mites is established, which includes 109 species (57 genus, 40
families). The dominant qualitatively are the following families of oribatid mites: Oppiidae,
Suctobelbidae, Brachychthoniidae, Scheloribatidae, Oribatulidae. The richest qualitative composition
is represented by the Oribatida of the following genera: Suctobelbella, Scheloribates, Oppiella,
Achipteria, Ramusella, Steganacarus, Notrus, Scutovertex, Ceratozetes, Punctoribates.
The ecological diversity of oribatid mites is investigated. There are 12 morphoekotypes (METs)
of Oribatida for the Latoritsa and Borzhavy river basins. The most represented are 4 METs (10-26
species per morphoecotype). For the investigated ecosystems, representatives of 4 biotope groups of
oribatid mites: forest, forest-meadow, meadow and eurytopic species. The studied groups of Oribatids
are 6 ecological groups by hygropreferendum. These include hygrophilous, hygro-mesophilous,
mesophilous, meso-xerophilous, xerophilous and eurybiontic. The most diverse in terms of quality are
the forest biotopic group and species-hygrophilous (31 and 30 species, respectively).
Key words: Oribatid mites, Latoritsa, Borzhava, grasslands, ecosystems, taxonomic and
ecological diversity, Transcarpathia.