Page 14 - Наукові записки Державного природознавчого музею, 2023 Вип. 39
P. 14

12                    Гураль Р. І., Гураль-Сверлова Н. В.

                                    Balashov I., Gural-Sverlova N. 2012. An annotated checklist of the terrestrial molluscs of Ukraine.
                                       Journal of Conchology. Vol. 41 No. 1. P. 91–109.
                                    Gural-Sverlova  N.V.,  Amiryan  A.L.,  Gural  R.I.  2017.  A  new  species  of  land  molluscs  from
                                       Southern Armenia Harmozica zangezurica sp. nov. (Pulmonata, Hygromiidae), with a key to
                                       Caucasian species Harmozica Lindholm, 1927. Biological Journal of Armenia. Vol. 1 No. 69.
                                       P. 107–112.
                                    Gural-Sverlova N.V., Gural R.I. 2021. Polymorphism of the introduced snail Cepaea nemoralis
                                       (Gastropoda,  Helicidae)  from  two  distant  parts  of  Eastern  Europe:  accidental  similarity  or
                                       regularity?   Zoodiversity.   Vol.   55   No.   5.   P.   369–   380.   DOI:
                                    Gural-Sverlova N., Gural R. 2022. Shell colouration and different introductions of the land snail
                                       Cepaea hortensis (Gastropoda: Helicidae) into Western Ukraine. Folia Malacologica. Vol. 30
                                       No. 4. P. 221–233. DOI:
                                    Führer durch das gräflich Dzieduszyckische Museum in Lemberg. 1896. Lemberg. 234 S.

                                   Державний природознавчий музей НАН України, м. Львів

                                   Gural R.I., Gural-Sverlova N.V.
                                   Scientific  and  educational  potential  of  the  malacological  collection  of  the  State  Museum  of
                                   Natural History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
                                      The  importance  of  the  malacological  collection  of  the  State Museum  of  Natural  History  of  the
                                   National  Academy  of  Sciences  of  Ukraine  in  Lviv  for  the  history  and  further  development  of
                                   malacological  research  in  Ukraine  is  considered.  The  scientific  potential  of  stock  malacological
                                   materials,  accumulated  in  the  museum  since  the  second  half  of  the  19th  century  and  significantly
                                   supplemented during the last decades, was analyzed in temporal and geographical aspects, as well as
                                   taking into account the taxonomic diversity and intraspecific conchological variability of the molluscs
                                   of Ukraine, the presence of typical materials, etc. It was found that the main (scientific) part of the
                                   malacological collection well represents the present land and freshwater mollusc fauna of Ukraine and
                                   its western part. Not represented in the museum's malacological collection are still some species that
                                   are mainly locally distributed in Ukraine and often have small sizes, which further complicates their
                                   sampling. Among the more recent additions to the malacological collection, we can especially mention
                                   the samples related to the study of the land mollusc fauna of the steppe zone of Ukraine, which remained
                                   poorly studied until the end of the 20th and even the beginning of the 21st century, as well as to the shell
                                   color  and  banding  polymorphism  in  the  Eastern  European  populations  of  two  introduced  species,
                                   Cepaea nemoralis and C. hortensis. Among the auxiliary part of the malacological collection, a large
                                   block of materials that can be used for exhibition purposes is selected. They allow demonstrating a wide
                                   range of topics from the taxonomic and morphological diversity of molluscs of Ukraine and the world
                                   to conchological adaptations. It can be useful when studying corresponding sections of a school biology
                                   course, as well as for students of biological specialties, amateur naturalists, etc. Various forms of virtual
                                   exhibiting  allow  to  shown  the  public  also  numerous  materials  of  the  main  (scientific)  part  of  the
                                   malacological  collection,  which  became  possible  within  the  framework  of  the  Educational  online
                                   program “Molluscs”. This allows us to talk about the gradual transformation of the main part of the
                                   malacological collection from a classical scientific collection to a scientific and educational one with
                                   virtual access.
                                      Key words: museum collections, molluscs, Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Ukraine, exhibiting.
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